​Center for Near East Policy Research

7853 POSTS

Terror victim’s family, West Point classmates plead with senators: Stop ‘Pay for Slay’

They were on one of the most meaningful deployments of their lives. A group of West Point graduates fanned out on a mission for one...

Seizing chaos as opportunity making lemonade from “lemons” in the Middle East

If Israeli planners like it or not, regional chaos is increasingly plausible in the Middle East. Whether this chaos should stem from the proliferation...

Deadly Threat from Iran

Former IRGC commander threatens to nuke Israel—and why he’s for real Maj. General Mohsen Rezai founded Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the early days...

Rosenberg published Holocaust Haggadah

Now that Hanukkah 2017/5778 is behind us, it’s only 100 days until Passover. Earlier this year Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg published “Rosenberg English Holocaust...

Visiting Ramallah

​ Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”; painted on a wall inside of the “Hostel in Ramallah.” (Lilia Gaufberg) This past July, at...

PM Netanyahu Shows Piece of Wreckage of the Iranian UAV that was Shot Down...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Munich Security Conference and a showed a piece of the wreckage of the Iranian UAV that was shot...

The coming conflict between Iran and Israel

Last Friday night, the Iranian military crossed into Israel using a drone launched from a Syrian base. It’s not clear whether the UAV was armed or...

The Media Stopped Reporting The Russia Collusion Story Because They Helped Create It

Half the country wants to know why the press won’t cover the growing scandal now implicating the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of...

Here are the top 10 biggest donors to UNRWA in 2017: Source: Britannica

United States ($364 million) Source: Britannica During the 2018 World Economic Forum, Trump threatened to cut Palestinian aid due to President Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to meet with Vice President...

Exclusive: Israel Pushes Separation Wall Construction, Lebanese Troops Hold Guard

Exclusive: Israel Pushes Separation Wall Construction, Lebanese Troops Hold Guard Asharq Al-Awsat Wednesday, 14 February, 2018 - 12:45 Naqoura– Nazir Rida https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1175181/exclusive-israel-pushes-separation-wall-construction-lebanese-troops-hold-guard The calm and tightened security along...