​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

The ‘Never Again’ Declaration: A model for remembrance and action

Four years ago, on the eve of the March of the Living, the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights in concert with the UNESCO...


Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Subject: Excerpts of Letter to PM NETANYAHU from SHMUEL (ZANGY) MEIDAD .- https://honenu.org/about-us/ Following is the translation of a letter which Shmuel Meidad...

Are Israel’s leaders waiting for dead children in Sderot?

Narrative tradition dictates that an incendiary balloon prepared in the first act will always explode in the third. So the question is not where...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 15 – 21, 2020)

This past week the security situation in the Gaza Strip heated up with the renewal of IED balloon launchings into Israeli territory, on almost...

What the world’s leaders won’t learn at Yad Vashem

On 23 January, some 55 heads of state, prime ministers and members of royal families will visit Yad Vashem to commemorate the 75th anniversary...

Why not neutralize the attackers? unedited footage: Arabs launching balloons – from open fields

Unedited footage of Arabs launching balloons & kites from open fields show how to locate and neutralize those who fire on civilians - even...

En ny arabisk flyktingmodul bildas i Stockholm

UNRWA-REFORM: SVERIGE har registrerat sig som en ideell organisation hos den svenska regeringen, med en svenskspråkig webbplats: https://israelbehindthenews.com/category/swedish Efter att registreringsprocessen är klar (pågår) kommer ”UNRWA...

Jerusalem deputy mayor to UK: Don’t fund anti-Israel Palestinian textbooks

The UK must stop funds for UNRWA unless it agrees to stop anti-Israel and antisemitic incitement in its schools, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 14-8, 2020)

This past week as well no return march was held in the Gaza Strip. Several dozen Palestinian demonstrators gathered near the border fence in...

Parallels between Nazi and Islamist Anti-Semitism

The first half of the 20th century witnessed the emergence of two distinct strains of especially virulent hatred for Jews, the “scientific,” pseudo-Darwinian racism...