​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

Violence Attributed to an Ethnic group: The Appropriate Response?

When violence is attributed to any ethnic group, whether they are traditional Orthodox Jews near the Western Wall in Jerusalem, a group of Blacks...

Official PA Website Denies Most Jewish Ties to Jerusalem

The "Palestinian National Authority Official Website" now features a lengthy section about Jerusalem which is designed to minimize Jewish ties to Jerusalem. The PA...

Ehud Barak, Labor’s New Hero

In English, Lt. General (Res) Ehud Barak's last name means lightning. As Israel's highest ranking officer, the retired Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff...

A Call for Palestinian Arab Participation in Jerusalem’s Political Process

Whenever we look into the matter of the voting of Arabs in Jerusalem municipal elections, I am always surprised anew and ask myself why...

Mr. Arafat’s Assassins

"To serve and protect" is the motto of many a police force. In the case of the tens of thousands of Palestinian police and...

Old Palestinian Arab Families Sold Land to Jews

The weekly Fasl al-Maqal, owned by Arab-Israeli parliament deputy Azmi Beshara and based in the predominantly Arab city of Nazareth in north Israel, ran...

Minister Sharon, MKs Yahalom & Eitan, Levran

All interviews were carried out in Hebrew on 1st June. All appear in their entirety. Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon IMRA: Is the Netanyahu Government developing...

Full CNN profiles of Netanyahu/Arafat: Worthy of Feedback to CNN

The profiles of Netanyahu and Arafat which are on the CNN web site: http://cnnplus.cnn.com/resources/newsmakers/world/middle.east/netanyahu.html and http://cnnplus.cnn.com/resources/newsmakers/world/middle.east/arafat.html Note: The one time CNN uses the word "terrorist" is about Netanyahu's...

Escalation in the North

Iran, Syria, the HizbAllah and Palestinian terrorist organizations actively prepare for escalation in the strikes against Israel. The terrorist strikes from Lebanon may be...

Arafat’s Policies Disastrous

Editor's note: Edward Said, who lives in New York and teaches at Coumbia University is among the most well known Palestinian personalities alive. Said's...