​Center for Near East Policy Research

8174 POSTS

Father of Murdered Boy Ponders Contradictory Standards of Extradition

October 30th, 1997 Stanley Boim 18 Brand Street Jerusalem, Israel re: Justice for Mr. S & Mr. H A certain Mr. S journeyed half way around the year from...

Arrested Professor Charged with “Collaboration”

On 2 July, the Palestinian Preventative Security Service (PSS) arrested Dr. Fathi Ahmed Subuh. Dr. Subuh is the head of the Department of Education...

Jews and Palestinians Building a Common Future

A Jewish dentist and a Palestinian businesswoman, we with others in our 5-year-old Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group have learned a lot about reconciliation....

Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish Israeli Arab Islamic Movement

IMRA interviewed Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish, leader of the Israeli Arab Islamic Movement, in Hebrew, on October 24th. The entire interview follows: IMRA: You made...

Statement of the Catholic Prelate in Israel: No persecution of Christians in Palestine; Do...

Dear Friends, We want you to stand with the Truth and take a position with us. As Representative of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. I have...

Diana’s Death: An Assassination?

Introduction To Whom This May Concern: I work as a journalist. It took me bout a week or so after the tragic car crash which took...

Pollard: Israel AG Conspired to Obstruct Justice

Israeli Attorney General Eliyakim Rubinstein conspired to provide false testimony to the U.S. Justice Department, according to Jonathan Jay Pollard. The former civilian intelligence analyst...

View from Fourth Circle: The Real, Historic Dangers, Opportunities in the Middle East

Cloak-and-dagger-style assassination attempts, urban car chases, midnight releases from jail, rumours of detainee swaps, and on-again,off-again diplomatic negotiations dominate the news headlines in the...

Hamas Chief Rantisi

Suicide attacks prevent massacres of Arabs. Israel's occupation of Palestine will end when the Arabs and Muslim world are strong. Excerpts from interview: "When Mr. Arafat kissed...

Two Myths Surrounding the Events Preceding Rabin’s Murder that Need to be Debunked

Two events haunt Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from the anti-Oslo protests: the "Rabin in Gestapo Uniform" poster in Zion Square and the "Rabin Coffin"...