​Center for Near East Policy Research

8106 POSTS

“Kill & Run” Precedent of the Oslo Accord?

The March 21, 1997 explosion at a Tel Aviv cafe once again brought the issue of terrorism to the forefront of the peace process. In...

Common Myths of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Zichron Yaakov, IsraelThe Middle East conflict is unique in that every journalist, foreign newspaper columnist, rabbi, politician, political scientist, and Church leader is an...

“Why is this night different …”

If he has a son, the son asks. In contrast to Hanukah and Purim where we are commanded to "publicize the miracle" (and include everyone),...

40.8% of Palestinians Favor Suicide Attacks Against Israeli Targets

The following are the results of a poll of a representative sample of 500 adult Palestinians from Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron conducted by the...

Arafat Gave “Green Light” for Attacks Against Israel

On the night between the 9th and 10th of March, realizing that Israel was firm in its decision to build on Har Homa, Arafat...

Palestinians Need Permanent Homes Now

One of the most important topics on the agenda of any Middle East peace conference should be how to improve the socio-economic conditions of...

A Secular Israeli Asks: Should Civil Rights of Observant Jews be Protected?

A major political issue facing Israel now is the question of whether in Israeli democracy someone has the right NOT to desecrate the Sabbath. Yes,...

From Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Jerusalem

The board of directors of Makassed Islamic Charitable Society (MICS) would like to call the attention to the serious developments which have recently taken...

The Media vs. Tenenbaum

My friend is facing the trial of his life. His trial is not in front of any judge, tribunal or legally mandated court. It's...

Background on Har Homa

The decision to develop Har Homa has caused a furor among Palestinian leaders, who charge that by unilaterally deciding to build in East Jerusalem...