Hamas official: “Hamas and UNRWA are directly connected”

Hamas Minister of Religion speaks about the direct connection between Hamas and UNRWA in Gaza. Your US tax dollars at work. https://youtu.be/V3OqKGSNcJk Now that we have it from the horses mouth, let’s take a look at this...
A palestinian boy sits in a car after his family received food supplies from the UNRWA headquarters in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, in this photo from November, 2012.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Sweden is the fifth largest supporter of UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and...

Sweden may no know it yet, but its recent recognition of the State of Palestine may conflict with its support for a United Nations Refugee organization that it backs to the tune of tens...

For The Sake of Nakba

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH4Xl9RVX8c The so-called "right of return" for Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendents is not a new idea. Yet this claim — that the refugees have the right to return to villages they left in...

The following news story weaves clips from short UNRWA films produced by the Center...

http://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-the-un-perpetuates-anti-semitism-in-palestinian-schools/?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Shocking+Polls+from+Muslims+Worldwide%3B+US+Lawmakers+Call+to+Shutdown+PLO+Office&utm_campaign=20151222_m128987486_Shocking+Polls+from+Muslims+Worldwide%3B+US+Lawmakers+Call+to+Shutdown+PLO+Office&utm_term=WATCH_3A+UN+Schools+Brainwash+Arab+Children+to+Hate+Jews https://www.commentarymagazine.com/foreign-policy/middle-east/real-palestinian-christmas-show-terrorism/ http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/deck_the_halls_with_exploitation_how_anti_peace_ngos_abuse_and_misuse_the_message_of_christmas Will the West Defend Its Own Values Against Radical Islam? http://www.defensenews.com/story/breaking-news/2015/12/24/exclusive-crisis-averted-after-israeli-palestinian-troops-face-off-near-president-mahmoud-abbas-home/77876018/ https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentary/566410-when-the-enemy-is-a-friends-friend http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=69415 http://english.aawsat.com/2015/12/article55345982/russian-iranian-conflict-escalates http://www.egyptindependent.com//news/israeli-military-expert-concerned-about-egypt-s-purchase-two-satellites http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151222/1032158491/crisis-president-terrorism-call.htm

Hostages of Hatred – Part 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7nCrtVY1HQ After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

Hostages of Hatred – Part 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAPaWkVrXPk After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

Hostages of Hatred – Part 4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DHX_lInkGg After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...

[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' http://www.meforum.org/4835/islamist-money-politics Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...

World Lawmakers to Present Hanegbi With Resolution to Investigate UNRWA

A group of 20 parliamentarians from Israel Allies Caucuses will present Deputy Foreign Minister Tzach Hanegbi with a signed resolution Tuesday calling for an investigation of UNRWA following the discovery of weapons in UNRWA schools in...

Hostages of Hatred – Part 5

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n87lCBpsR4 After having shown the plight of the million Jews who, from the mid-1940s, had to flee the countries they and their forefathers had lived in for centuries, those most discreet refugees whose story had...