The textbook study: flawed and wrong

Tell me what a school system is teaching its children and I will tell you whether there will be peace or war in another five to 10 years. Less than a month ago, there were...

‘Fix UNRWA’ elicits boycott call

A LIVELY Opinion published in last week’s Intermountain Jewish News has garnered calls for boycott from a top advocate for Palestinian refugees. The op-ed by Bassem Eid, “As a proud Palestinian, I say: Palestinians must...

New Book Backed By New Polling

As the English edition of Jerusalem: Delusions of Division goes to print, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy has published remarkable findings of a public-opinion survey conducted in east Jerusalem in June 2015, under...

Should US give taxpayer money to help rebuild Gaza? David Bedein and Christopher Gunness debate American funding of the UN agency UNRWA for Palestinian refugees.

Recent terrorist attacks in Israel undermine ‘prospects for peace’: Guterres

“Such acts of violence can never be justified and must be condemned by all,” he said in a statement issued through his Spokesperson. Tuesday’s terrorist assault on the street in Bnei Brak, a small ultra-Orthodox...

How Congress Became the Fall Guy for Obama’s Iran Deal

One of the more astounding features of the current controversy over the Iran nuclear negotiations is the extent to which Congress is being set up to take the blame if the talks go south....

Prof. Bruce Wexler’s Textbook Study Press Conference: A First hand report

Even before the press conference, three of the key advisory board members complained that they had not been able to evaluate the report ahead of time. One of Prof. Bruce Wexler's conclusions: There is no...

The vaccine blood libel

I wrote here last month about the vaccine libel, the falsehood being peddled that Israel was refusing to vaccinate the Palestinians living in the disputed “occupied” territories. I wrote that media outlets were persisting in...

Palestinian Human Rights Activist Calls for Major Overhaul of UNRWA (INTERVIEW)

Bassam Eid, a prominent Palestinian human rights activist, has issued an urgent plea for a serious overhaul of UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with caring for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war in...

AJC Statement on the Report on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Following reports of the involvement of a number of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees in the October 7 Hamas attacks against Israel – and sixteen UN member states pulling economic support from...