Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 9: Dhimmi in the Holy Land

Introduction: This chapter is replete with excerpts from historical observations of the life of the Jews in Palestine in the middle ages through to the rule of the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to 1918. These excerpts...

The inside story about an UNRWA official chased out ot Gaza

"The UN does not trust the Palestinian Relief Organization UNRWA" Matthias Schmale, the Gaza director of the controversial United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), had to resign after threats against him and...

To Destroy Jerusalem, by Howard Kaplan

Writers House Publishing House, , LA, Cal. 363 pages Reviewed by David Bedein, Israel Resource News Agency TO DESTROY JERUSALEM, Kaplan’s fifth gripping Middle East thriller, is his longest and most ambitious to date. A historical...

Prof. Bruce Wexler’s Textbook Study Press Conference: A First hand report

Even before the press conference, three of the key advisory board members complained that they had not been able to evaluate the report ahead of time. One of Prof. Bruce Wexler's conclusions: There is no...

‘Perpetuating Statelessness? UNRWA, Its Activities and Funding’

SPEAKERS:  Bassem Eid Director, Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group Dr. Arnon Groiss Deputy Director, IBA’s Arabic Radio Translator of Arabic Schoolbooks David Bedein, MSW Director, Center for Near East Policy Research Founder, The Israel Resource News Agency TIME: 12.30 – 2pm, Thursday 4th...

The textbook study: flawed and wrong

Tell me what a school system is teaching its children and I will tell you whether there will be peace or war in another five to 10 years. Less than a month ago, there were...

Ilhan Omar and Other Democrat Representatives Call for Special Envoy to Combat ‘Islamophobia’

The sage and visionary Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) looked out at our unhappy land and saw just what we need to usher in a new era of healing, peace, and prosperity. And so she...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 14: Official Disregard of Arab Immigration

Introduction: The history of the British people has been indelibly stained by the record of the British Government's mendacious, mal-intentioned management of the Palestine Mandate.  As the reader will see, those twin contortionists, the British...

Palestinian Factions Sign Unity Agreement at Beijing Conference

Fatah and Hamas, along with smaller Palestinian contingents, announced Tuesday that the rival groups will form a joint government in post-war Gaza after participating in Chinese-led mediation this week. The decision came after several...

Palestinian Human Rights Activist Calls for Major Overhaul of UNRWA (INTERVIEW)

Bassam Eid, a prominent Palestinian human rights activist, has issued an urgent plea for a serious overhaul of UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with caring for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war in...