HJS Event: ‘Perpetuating Statelessness? UNRWA, Its Activities and Funding’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PMQZF_MfJs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PMQZF_MfJs On the 4th December, The Henry Jackson Society hosted an event with Bassem Eid, Director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group; Dr. Arnon Groiss, Deputy Director of IBA’s Arabic Radio and experienced translator...

Palestinian Factions Sign Unity Agreement at Beijing Conference

Fatah and Hamas, along with smaller Palestinian contingents, announced Tuesday that the rival groups will form a joint government in post-war Gaza after participating in Chinese-led mediation this week. The decision came after several...

Grooming junior jihadists

The international community and mainstream media are shamefully ignoring a major destructive scandal in progress right now – the indoctrination of children into terrorism. In the northern hemisphere it is the middle of summer and...

A Book Review: Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller “Jerusalem: The Biography Vintage Publishers

At first glance, Simon Sebag Montefiore’s best seller Jerusalem: The Biography is surely impressive. Media critics as well as Henry Kissinger have showered it with praise, and the BBC devoted a timely three-part TV...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Textbooks used in UNRWA Schools In the West...

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war and their descendants provides educational services to school children of this population in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank,...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 9: Dhimmi in the Holy Land

Introduction: This chapter is replete with excerpts from historical observations of the life of the Jews in Palestine in the middle ages through to the rule of the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to 1918. These excerpts...
14/07/2024. Ramallah. David Lammy meets Hussein al-Sheikh. Picture by Ben Dance / FCDO (CC BY 2.0)

UK Restoring Aid to UNRWA: A Flawed Decision

In what had been seen as a loud and clear message to Iran and Qatar, early this year, the United Kingdom was one of several countries to halt funding to the United Nations Relief...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 16: Jews in Palestine as “Illegals” and as...

Introduction The Balfour Declaration (1917) speaks definitively of , “...the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.  Four years later, The Mandate for Palestine repeats the identical phrase five times. Notwithstanding...

Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein – A Text for the Jewish Council for...

http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/a-text-for-the-jewish-council-for-public-affairs-jcrcs-and-israel-advocacy-organizations/?utm_source=Wed+July+30&utm_campaign=Wed+Jul+30&utm_medium=email If you have not heard of, seen, or read the book, Roadblock to Peace, by David Bedein, do so immediately. It is a remarkable piece of work and essential reading for all those involved...

A Destiny of Memories, Fire and Rain

A review by David Bedein David Ramati has written A Destiny of Memories, Fire and Rain which has already achieved eight five star ratings at Amazon. I would like to make it nine with this...