Warum ist es wichtig, die in den UNRWA-Schulen verwendeten Lehrbücher der palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde ins...
Deutschland, eine demokratische Macht in Europa mit einer weltweiten Friedenspolitik, ist ein Hauptspenderstaat sowohl für die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde (PA) als auch für das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (UNRWA) für die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge von 1948...
Arrest a terrorist who works for UNRWA
Amir al-Mishal, a leader of Hamas, is employed by UNRWA and leads the UNRWA teachers association.
Amir a-Mishal incites UNRWA students to ruSh the fences and die for the "right of return" - by force...
במימון אונר”א: תלמידי בית ספר בעזה נשלחים לגדר
"אנחנו משתתפים בהפגנות על הגדר כדי להגן על אדמתנו. כדי להפחיד את היהודים, שיברחו. להרוג יהודים", אומר נער צעיר למצלמה. "בכוח, בנשק, בפיגועים, אנחנו רוצים לחזור", מוסיף אחר. "פלסטין שייכת למוסלמים ולא לכופרים", מסביר...
Memo from the UN: Message of missiles fired from an UNRWA facility
On Wednesday, October 17th, The Center for Near East Policy Research provided a briefing at the UN Correspondents Association at the UN, followed by a confidential briefing for the officials of the UN Secretary...
Will Belgium Place Reasonable Conditions on Renewed Funds for UNRWA?
The Brussels Times reports that Belgium has doubled its funds to help UNRWA meet its budgetary deficit
The question is whether Belgium will transfer funds to UNRWA with six reasonable conditions that reflect the principles...
UNRWA’s Message of Hate and Indoctrination
The education of Palestinian schoolchildren must change drastically if there is ever to be a lasting negotiated peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Why? Because these schools have been inciting three generations of young...
UN Raises Funds for UNRWA Financial Crisis That Does Not Exist
As of December 31, 2017, UNRWA posted a financial statement that its income rested at a stable $1.2 billion, stemming from donations from 68 donor nations and 27 other sources.
Yet on September 27, The...
How UNRWA has perpetuated generations of refugees
A few weeks ago, the Trump Administration announced it would end all US funding for UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, established in December 1949 to support Palestinian refugees. In recent years,...
Bringing down UNRWA
Coincidence played a part in getting the truth out about UNRWA: Hard work made it available.
I happened to sit next to someone from Trump's transition team in December 2016 at a conference in Jerusalemn and...
What the AP Intelligence Correspondent Needs to Ask
David Bedein, Director.
Susannah George, AP Intelligence and National Security Correspondent, this week published a feature “Trump administration cuts aid funding for Palestinian refugees”*, which overlooked two vital issues.
First, that the US cutback to UNRWA...