Follow up on UNRWA POLICY FORUM: Time for a total overhaul and reform of...

From: MK BEZALEL SMOTRICH, Member of the Israel Knesset Parliament. Follow up on UNRWA POLICY FORUM: Time for a total overhaul and reform of UNRWA On December 20, 2015, The UNRWA POLICY FORUM  convened at the Knesset...

UNRWA as obstacle to Peace

Thank you very much for inviting me to the Knesset today to speak about the problems of UNRWA. Let me begin by saying that the problem with UNRWA runs much deeper than its school curriculum. Even if...

UNRWA unmasked at the Knesset

The Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) was the venue on 20 December 2015 for an important forum devoted to learning exactly what goes on behind the scenes at the UN agency tasked with looking after Palestinian...

Are the lyrics of the UNRWA youth Ambassador not lethal?

There are those who tell us that UNRWA Youth Ambassador  Mohammad Assaf’s lyrics are innocuous. Please judge for yourself : If you think that these words are incendiary, contact the legislative bodies of the...

“On the other hand, ” knife attacks “all have a context” – Chris Gunness... UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness justifies knife Palestinian stabbing of Jews: "They all have a context."

UNRWA Official Spoke at Event for Hamas-Linked Charity

The spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the scandal-ridden UN body that works with Palestinian refugees, spoke Monday at an event sponsored by the UK-based charity Interpal, which was designated...

The Josh Hasten Show: United Nations – UNRWA Speaks. Do they Condemn Terror?

Latest Audio For The Josh Hasten Show United Nations UNRWA Speaks Do they Condemn Terror:

More UNRWA teachers promoting violence on Facebook (updated)

Khaled Abu Walid Kadous is an UNRWA teacher in Nablus. Even though he lives in the area of British Mandate Palestine spends a lot of time posting about "return" to destroy Israel. And he is not...

Addressing the root of the Palestinian refugee problem

Cash shortages at UNRWA distract from the wider issue: it is the lack of a diplomatic solution, not funding, that leaves Palestinian refugees vulnerable. In the end, it was the catastrophe that wasn’t. For a...

.@UNRWA school site equates religious Jews with Nazis, encourages kids to attack Jews

On August 19, in response to my findings that many UNRWA teachers were posting antisemitic and pro-terror posts on Facebook, spokesperson Chris Gunness said: Where we find credible allegations of neutrality violations among our staff,...