Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Commentary: The Warnings of Israeli Intelligence

Israeli Military Intelligence, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, now indicates that, for the past four months, long range missiles and advanced anti-tank missiles have been smuggled to Hezbollah, coming over the border from...

Not the peace we expected with Egypt

Egypt's behavior in Sinai and along the Philadelphi route, which enables the large-scale arming of terror organizations, requires a reexamination of Israeli policy. Many people have become convinced in recent months that Egypt intends...

The ever-predictable UN Human Rights Council

When the UN Human Rights Council on Friday hears from its commission of inquiry on "the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon" -- whose report is now online -- there...

Prelude to War: Anatomy of a non-ceasefire

Israel and the Palestinians pulled back from full-scale war in Gaza on Sunday (November 26), agreeing to a "ceasefire" agreement that officials here say may end up being nothing less than a prelude to...

Background: In absence of continuous rocket fire…

In the absence of continuous rocket fire, it should be fairly easy for Prime Minister Olmert's team to adopt the "three monkey mode" (hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil) towards large...

Commentary: The Baker-Hamilton Report, Syria, and More

Recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission on how to proceed in Iraq have not been formally announced as yet, but they have been leaked. A major -- and hugely horrendous -- proposal is that...

Hamas has established a control center for missile strikes against Israel

Hamas has been operating a C2 center to coordinate Kassam-class, short-range missile attacks against Israel. Israeli military sources said Hamas, with help from the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah, established several such centers in the northern Gaza...

Commentary: The Danger of Hudna

This past week Ma'ariv reported on a tentative plan being worked on, and reportedly covertly discussed between Israelis and Palestinians, that would involve a pullback from substantial parts of Judea-Samaria, establishment of a "provisional"...

Reflections on New Reality in Israel

I once had my private life. I raised a family, a business, a home-thank God. I voted for a different party each election. Even the Pensioners Party once got my vote. What suddenly came...