The Obama Government Backs the Atrocity-Producing Forces So How Will it Stop Atrocities? How can one write satire when the Obama Administration has created an Atrocities Prevention Board to prevent mass murder and genocide at the same time as it has been largely supporting the forces most...

Israeli leadership suffers from unilateral withdrawal syndrome It seems that some of our military-men-turned-politicians are suffering from the unilateral withdrawal syndrome. It may be typical of the military mindset: Get it over with! Finish the job! Do something! Do anything! Actually,...

The Fate of Syria’s Chemical and Biological Weapons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel has good reason to fear that Syria’s chemical and biological weapons arsenal could fall into the wrong hands - to terrorist elements within Syria, to an even more hostile Syrian regime,...

Egypt Fully Remilitarizing Sinai – with U.S. Help Egypt has moved forces into the Sinai beyond what was agreed to in the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. Getting them in wasn't that difficult - Israel agrees that security in the Sinai has deteriorated. Getting...

The war against the Jews The sustained anti-Israel de-legitimization campaign is a corollary of the millenarian obsession with the Jews in the Christian and the Muslim worlds. Since Israel is the world's only Jewish state, and since Zionism is...

Steve Emerson interview on shameful US response to Islamist Riots on Sun TV Host: "Now this latest wave of violence in the Middle East has brought intense focus on American foreign policy. In fact that very topic seems to have superseded the economy as the biggest issue...

Rethinking Palestine 2012 In 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), failed to win U.N. acceptance of Palestine as an independent state1. This year, he lowered the bar to upgraded status within the U.N. In...

Profs. on Mideast Turmoil: Blame America, Israel, and Free Speech In the wake of the al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, the seizure of the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the ensuing anti-American protests and riots...

Powder Keg in Gaza The violent blows exchanged between Israel and armed Islamist groups in Gaza over the past few weeks mark a dangerous shift. The pattern of occasional clashes established after Israel's 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead has...

Israel’s Arabs: Deprived or Radicalized? October 1, 2000, was a watershed in Arab-Jewish relations in the state of Israel. On that day, as most Israelis were celebrating the Jewish new year, their Arab compatriots unleashed a tidal wave of...