Incisive Commentary

Posting: January 9, 2008 "Uneasy Hearts" There may be a lot of hoopla with regard to Bush's visit here. But many Israelis find there is little genuine joy in their hearts at the arrival of the...

Incisive Commentary

Posting; March 5, 2008 "Could Be Worse" The situation is not exactly wonderful, but truly something much worse than what we're seeing right now might have developed. Condoleezza Rice has left. After meeting with Tzipi Livni today,...

First Gaza, Then The World

Some of Israel's most blatant critics have written that for every Israeli killed, about a hundred Palestinians were killed. A half-truth is worse than a lie, but this is not even a half truth....

American Jews fund anti-Israel organizations

A U.S. organization has been receiving money from perhaps unsuspecting Jewish donors to support blatantly anti-Israel groups. American Jews wishing to donate money to Israeli causes routinely utilize local city Jewish federations as a middleman....

Losing the Scent in South Lebanon Last week, the IDF released evidence of Hizbullah stockpiling of weaponry in populated civilian areas of southern Lebanon. The IDF material showed an aerial map of the Shi'ite town of El Khiam. The...

Steven Emerson: Combating Radical Islam – Defeating Jihadist Terrorism On Christmas afternoon in 1992, Steven Emerson, then a staff reporter for CNN, noticed a large group of men in traditional Arab clothes congregating outside the Oklahoma City Convention Center. At first, he thought...

Israel on Canadian college campuses; an up-hill battle

Presenting the human side of Sderot, Israel and the western Negev would seem innocuous enough, as it is the only region in the western world where rockets and missiles target a civilian population. The...

News Analysis:

"Tedious" We've been there, done that. Plans for building in Jerusalem east of the Green Line are announced, and the world goes slightly berserk. It is really tiresome. Word from the government here is that 1) these...


It has arguably not been a good week for Palestinianian Authortiy President Mahmoud Abbas. Last Saturday February 5, The Palestinian Authority finally allowed a protest to take place in Ramallah in solidarity with thre Egyptian...

Germany: Iran Trade and Dolphin Discount

JINSA Report #1107 According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, Germany will provide Israel with its sixth Dolphin-class nuclear-capable submarine and subsidize the deal with 135 million Euros. The magazine notes that Germany "donated" the...