An action plan for Syria Aleppo - Syria’s largest city, its commercial capital and an ancient heritage site - has been under relentless assault for close to a month. The siege has followed what has been called “Assad’s pattern of...

The Syrian Crisis and the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

Dr. Benedetta Berti is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, a Young Atlanticist at the Atlantic Council, and the coauthor of Hamas and Hezbollah:...

The Useful Myth that Obama Now Likes Israel Reality, especially in 2012, is very hard to face. So many hopes dashed; so many bad things happening. So people can be forgiven for taking refuge in wishful thinking. Sometimes, not telling the truth...


This week the Lebanese television news station Al-Mayadeen broadcast an interview it held with Jibril Rajoub earlier this month. Rajoub, it should be recalled, is one of the big darlings of the Israeli “peace...

“Iran is Now Moderate” Joke I have never understood why anyone expected any U.S. action on Iran's nuclear program. Basically there was never any chance the U.S. would undertake any armed action or allow Israel to do so. That...

Appeasement won’t reduce the peril of a nuclear Iran Tomorrow morning, more than seven years after the United Nations Security Council first ordered Iran to halt all aspects of its illicit nuclear programme, British and American diplomats - along with representatives of other...

Obama Turns on Israel Barack Obama's March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to "recognize that Israel...

Obama’s Fight With Israel: This Time It’s Serious America and Israel are in uncharted waters. Just eight months since President Barack Obama visited Israel on the first foreign trip of his second term in an attempt to patch things up with Prime...

Egypt Enables Hamas To Train In Iran

This weekend marks 30 years since the late Egyptian president Anwar Sadat flew to Israel to declare his desire for peace with Israel, only four years after Mr. Sadat had launched a full scale...

Israel’s Predicament at 60

Two religiously-identified new states emerged from the shards of the British empire in the aftermath of World War II. Israel, of course, was one; the other was Pakistan. They make an interesting, if little-compared pair....