The Seizure of the Klos C: Significance and Implications The March 5, 2014 seizure of the Klos C is a blow to Iran, which clearly invested considerable effort and resources in organizing the weapons shipment and attempting to conceal the ship’s course and...

Israel’s new game plan with Hezbollah and Syria Under late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, and for 29 years, Israel did not once directly strike Syria outside the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. This dynamic is quickly changing today, as the internal conflict spreads...

The impotence of foreign forces On the morning of March 14, 2006, an agreement hatched by the United States and a number of European countries and which sprang from Israeli jails the killers of former minister Rehavam Ze'evi and...

Saudi Arabia’s New Missile Force A recent article in Newsweek reported that “according to a well-placed intelligence source,” in 2007 Saudi Arabia began to purchase CSS-5 (DF-21) ground-to-ground missiles from China. While similar reports appeared in the past, the...

US Congress Worried Over Lebanese Mil

House and Senate members have expressed worry that U.S. aid to Lebanon's military and security forces could end up with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. Congress has determined that Hizbullah controlled much of Lebanon's military and...

The coming crash of American diplomacy in the Middle East,0,1568248.story#ixzz2thmWN4FP President Obama has three significant Middle East diplomatic initiatives underway, treating, respectively, Iran's nuclear weapons program; Syria's deadly, exhausting conflict; and the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Into these negotiations, Obama and his administration have poured...

New Israeli Unit Targets Syrian Border Threats Israel is flexing its military muscle at the Golan Heights frontier with the latest intelligence collection technologies and a new frontline division dedicated to combating multiplying threats spawned by war raging in Syria. Inaugurated late...

Egypt Blames Gaza For SAMs

Egypt has blamed the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for supplying weapons that downed an attack helicopter in the Sinai Peninsula. Officials said the Gaza Strip has become a source of surface-to-air missiles to Al Qaida-aligned militias...

Future EU Sanctions Against Israel? Real, Imagined, and Somewhere in Between!st-israel/ Is the scenario of a full-scale EU boycott of Israel at all realistic? This study is designed to provide policy-makers with a “Brussels insiders” perspective on the prospects for future sanctions by the European...

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the “Clash within a Civilization” No one has ever been able to travel to the Gulf without discovering just how different the perspectives and values of the West and the Middle East can be. During the last two...