Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 18/19

SUMMARY The Palestinian Authority yesterday announced compliance with the Sharm summit understandings, but the announcement (which ran first at 2-PM on Oct. 18 and subsequently) was noteworthy for three factors: 1. It was terse. 2....

The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Problem

In the aftermath of World War II, when it became apparent that millions of destitute refugees were not going to be attended to by existing organizations, the United Nations saw fit to establish an...

The unique tragedy of the Palestinian refugees The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees. The films, pictures, slides and prints the organization has collected on the plight of the refugees will now be displayed...

Official Palestinian Authority Radio Broadcast on Voice of Palestine: Dec. 20

Summary and Analysis VOP returned Wednesday to its traditional news openings, focusing on local reporting and lists of martyrs, funerals and wounded-especially civilian youths and security personnel. At the same time, it gave generally low-key...

Has the Israeli human rights community abandoned human rights in favor of political expediency?

A commitment to human rights and civil liberties includes an inherent even if unwritten oath to uphold the principles of human dignity, regardless of any political or ethnic considerations. For example, in 1992, in the...

Will the US decision to arm the Palestinian Authority’s Military Capability Backfire on the...

The day after the armed forces of Palestinian Authority President Machmud Abbas shared credit for the bombing of a bakery in the Israeli port city of Elat which claimed the lives of three young...

Israel, the FAA, and International Isolation For years, peace processors and pundits have threatened that to stop its “growing international isolation,” Israel must make “painful concessions” and withdraw from territory. The “growing isolation” was always a myth. Israel’s trade with...


Israel has begun considering the ramifications of Arab allies building their militaries with Western arms and technology. The Israel Army General Staff has determined that Israel could be threatened by Western-equipped armies along its border....

Washington Post: Old Arab Order Pro-bin Laden! British Government: Hamas-Fatah Merger is Great gloria/2011/05/washington- post-old-arab-order-pro-bin- laden It is amazing what nonsense appears in the mass media. Consider the following paragraph from a Washington Post story: "A decade ago, the Middle East might have responded to the killing of...

A Dispassionate Analysis

This dispatch contains a series of mostly short notes concerning the reporting by Reuters, the AP, the Guardian, and others of attacks on Israelis in recent days. Contents: 1. Notes about Reuters "disgracefully misleading" coverage of...