Holy War Arrives in Germany

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4590/germany-jihad "Never before have the sympathizers of Islamic terror appeared so openly in Germany." - Editorial, Westfalen-Blatt. "Anyone who thought the civil war in Syria or the barbarity of the Islamic State in Iraq does not...

The Hopelessness of Victory

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2014/01/the-hopelessness-of-victory.html The Obama administration is engaging in over a dozen failed operations in the Middle East, and reason shows just why they're failing: The Islamist philosophy is totally different from theirs. The Islamists are indifferent...

How Israel is Covered in the Iranian Media

Overview 1. Iranian media and spokesmen continue to demonize Israel, accusing it of complicity with the West in plotting against Iran. The so-called plots pertain both to Iran 's internal affairs (such as the recent...

The twilight of America

http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=ae169cb0bf1d8ed85f60ee17a&id=9e9f653b0e&e=6a9f992820 I think this is what is called a slam dunk. Barack Obama has now proposed filling the three positions in the US administration most concerned with the security of the nation and the defence...

UNRWA and Alternatives for Palestinian Refugees

http://aijac.org.au/news/article/unrwa-and-alternatives-for-palestinian-refugees There are 1.6 million people in the Gaza Strip, most of them in UNRWA (United Nations Relief Works Agency) “refugee” camps. With support from more than 35 major Western democracies, UNRWA could be dealing with...

America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning

http://www.meforum.org/3583/america-problems-middle-east It's 2015, and there is a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas), financed by Iran, wins an election on a platform demanding the expulsion...

The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number...

Commentary: Bush’s Backbone is Not Broken

Word came out within the last few days (which most if not all of you have already seen) regarding the fact that President Bush is considering putting 30,000 to 50,000 more troops into Iraq,...

The Palestinian refugees — a reality check

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=6651 Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...

War without death: The Pentagon Promotes a Vision of Combat as Bloodless and Antiseptic

Leon Daniel, like others who reported from Vietnam during the 1960s, knew about war and death. So he was puzzled by the lack of corpses at the tip of the Neutral Zone between Saudi...