Official Palestinian Radio News: The Voice of Palestine (V.O.P.) March 6th

Summary and Analysis On the second day of the Feast of the Sacrifice, V.O.P. gave slight news coverage and interviewing, but expanded generally on several themes it has been broaching recently: broad condemnations of Israeli war...

Imagine What it Would be Like to Live Under the Threat of Your Community...

Imagine that you live in Israel, which has suffered 25,500 known terror attacks just since 2000, including 6000 mortars that have fallen just on your small section of Gush Katif, and instead of attacking...

Nasrallah Declares Open War on U.S.

Hizballah officially declared an open-ended war on the United States last night during a formal pre-recorded speech of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who said Israel was little more than a pawn in the...

Commentary: the Palestinian “National Unity” Government

PA President Abbas (Fatah) and PA Prime Minister Haniyeh (Hamas) on Monday announced that Hamas and Fatah are going to be forming a national unity government The first step towards formation of this new government...

Is a Palestinian state the Panacea for Peace?

Within many quarters of the N. American community, which in the main prides itself on being moderate, there is still that hope: Maybe, if PA President Mahmoud Abbas can be strengthened, he can take...

“Moderate” Fatah: “Arms should be used to retrieve the occupied land and achieve freedom...

Fateh Revolutionary Council: National Unity Our Shield against Foreign Conspiracies The Fateh Revolutionary Council said Sunday that the national unity is the shield against those who conspire against the Palestinian people. During its meeting in...

Thin Palestinian NGO narrative about 2 Palestinians killed after attempt to stab soldier

It was a stretch, but the Palestinian PCHR narrative, that fails to seriously address the Israeli accounting of what transpired, still came to the conclusion that Israel should be condemned. #1. What happened: 2 Palestinans killed after attempt...

The Future of an Illusion: A piece of paper will not bring peace to...

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned, it seems, to direct the Middle East policy of the Obama administration. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993, 17 years of efforts under three American presidents and...

Infantry Needed To Fight Hizbullah: U.S. Report

The U.S. Army has commissioned a study that concluded that conventional ground forces would be required to battle the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. The Rand Corp. has relayed a study to the U.S. Army that analyzed Israel's 2006 war with...

Who’s Against a Two-State Solution? "Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East....