Why Has the Domino Effect Been Halted?

Even American arms and training, European funds and global political support will not turn the Fatah regime in Judea and Samaria into something upon which Israel can depend. Only the establishment of eight homogeneous tribal states, based...

Arafat’s Secret Financial Affairs

Yassir Arafat's triumphant return to Gaza on July 1 1994 heralded an era of hope for Palestinians. Under the interim Oslo accords with Israel, the new Palestinian Authority won a five-year period of self-rule...

“My Pentagon Years” A briefing by Douglas J. Feith

Douglas J. Feith was undersecretary of defense for policy in the Bush administration (2001-05), and is a professor of national security policy at Georgetown University. He previously served in several capacities in the Reagan...

Political Earthquake in the USA: A Jerusalem Perspective

The November, 2010 mid-term election produced a seismic political effect: The most rapid and wide-in-scope Congressional and Gubernatorial victory since 1948. The outcome of the election repudiates Obama's policies and dramatically erodes his political clout....

A Bigger Battle may be Brewing,Israel Fears: The Palestinians are Amassing an Arsenal

NABLUS, West Bank - The Palestinian fighter ran a finger approvingly over the cold metal of the assault rifle, embossed with the seal of the Israeli army. He squinted at the lettering in Hebrew,...

U.S. Blocks Arms, Technology To Israel

The Bush administration has blocked arms and technology transfers to Israel. Israeli and U.S. sources said the State Department has blocked the transfer of weapons and technology to the Jewish state over the last three...

Al-Qaeda Affiliate -” Jaish al-Islam”- Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza

http://jcpa.org/article/al-qaeda-affiliate-jaish-al-islam-receives-formal-sanctuary-in-hamas-ruled-gaz/ Vol. 8, No. 7 Except for Fatah, the other Palestinian terror organizations in Gaza enjoy full freedom of movement under Hamas rule. Offshoots of al-Qaeda in Gaza include Jaish al-Islam (the Army of Islam), the...

Poll showing most Americans oppose pullout misleading

There is nothing more flexible, and more useful, than public opinion polls. More than showing the public's views, they reveal the mindset of those who commissioned the poll, and those who market it. For example, Finance...

When Sunni and Shiite Extremists Make War

http://www.danielpipes.org/12961/syria-sunni-shiite-extremists In his article "The Muslim Civil War," Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal disagrees with my argument about Syria. He characterizes the position I hold this way: If al Qaeda fighters want to murder...

Israeli Attack on Iran Won’t Follow the American Script

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/jinsa-fellows/israeli-attack-iran-wont-follow-american-script "Credible experts," wrote New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof in March, "overwhelmingly" view an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities as "a catastrophically bad idea," deeming the benefits uncertain and the consequences dire: An...