A political ploy to curb free speech

In an act of chutzpah characteristic of the Israeli left, Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party has petitioned the Central Elections Committee (CEC) to declare Channel 14 a “propaganda platform” for Likud, headed...

Why Israel is a rogue state [Gabriel Latner]

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition - "Israel is a rogue state". Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 18th

Summary and Analysis Perhaps because the Palestinian Authority has some internal divisions about contacts with Israel, VOP has been largely downplaying this subject. One point was stressed however: Yasser Arafat himself was quoted as denying...

Cooperation Between the US and Israel: How to Treat the Phenomenon of Suicide Bombers

The Americans have recently requested and received Israeli assistance in dealing with suicide bombers. The efficient system of cooperation between the two countries, which was established here before the war on Iraq, made things easier....

U.S. Ex-Officers Warn Of Decline In Israel Ties

WASHINGTON -- Scores of senior retired U.S. officers have warned of the decline in American strategic cooperation with Israel. Close to 50 generals and admirals have signed a letter that termed Israel a key element in...

The Geography of Iranian Power by Robert D. Kaplan

http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/geography-iranian-power-robert-d-kaplan Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Robert D. Kaplan's new book, The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate , which will be...

Analysis: The Isaiah Award to Arafat

Our news agency, which covers the Palestinian Authority and the peace process, has been informed by the Palestinian Authority that the United Jewish Communities UJC Prime Minister's Mission will indeed provide the Isaiah Award...

PA Leadership Calls for Continuing the Intifada

Arab Action Expected Speaking to a conference in Tunis, PA Chairman Yasir Arafat said: "Just as the Palestinian and Tunisian blood mixed at Hamam al-Shat so will the Palestinian blood mix with the Arab...

British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Appeal to the Marchers Against a War With Iraq

Yes, there are consequences of war. If we remove Saddam by force, people will die and some will be innocent. And we must live with the consequences of our actions, even the unintended ones. But there...

Why FDI opposes the Hagel nomination

http://iran.org/news/2013_01_10-hagel.html FDI opposes the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel to become the next Secretary of Defense. For the past 17 years, FDI has championed the pro-freedom movement in Iran, and has argued that helping Iranians to...