The War with Hamas: Address by Israel’s Ambassador to the UK

This week Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub travelled to Bradford in northern England after George Galloway MP declared it an "Israel-free zone." After meeting with local councillors and officials, he addressed local community and faith...

Israel Searches Hizbullah Tunnels

Israel, amid the war with the Gaza Strip, has directed its attention to locating tunnels from Lebanon. The Israel Defense Ministry has overseen a program to locate tunnels constructed by the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. They said Hizbullah was believed...

Club Med for Terrorists UNITED NATIONS THE hostilities in Gaza between Israel and Hamas persist and the diplomatic war at the United Nations continues, also without resolution. While there is no shortage of opinions on the way forward, the...

UNICEF Gaza Chief Ignores Israeli Children Israeli children in bomb shelter Flash 90 UNICEF Gaza Field Office chief, Pernille Ironside, held a press conference at the United Nations offices in New York City several days ago, "on the impact on children from the conflict in...

Norway Embraces Islamist Tyranny Anti-Semitism in Norway, where I have lived for twelve years, is over the top. I have never quite gotten used to it. Every now and then I hear or read something that reminds me...

Israel should face the truth, and deal with the war of attrition What was supposed to be an operation or a military campaign has turned into a war of attrition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz did...

IDF Reveals the Gaza That the UN is Hiding An informative new video posted to YouTube on Monday by the IDF shows how the damage in Gaza reported by the UN is only giving half of thepicture, and skewing the facts on the ground. In the...

Hamas War Tactics: Attacks from Civilian Centers

Hamas uses UN facilities, schools, childrens’ playgrounds, water towers, mosques and countless other active civilian facilities as launching sites for rockets and attacks. In this operation alone, Hamas has launched above 1,600 rockets from...

Report: Hamas Jihad fully controls UN agency for Palestinians refugees Hamas and Islamic Jihad have effectively captured the United Nations agency to care for Palestinian refugees, a report said. The Center for Near East Policy Research asserted that Hamas and Jihad controlled the UN Refugee...

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s phoney refugees In the up-is-down bizarro world of UNRWA, the number of refugees only grows and grows RIDDLE: You’re an American citizen, born and raised in the U.S., who has never set foot outside your country. You...