Blowing On Shimon Peres’s Candles Normally, I would not raise a big stink about Shimon Peres’s 90th birthday bash. When it comes to birthdays, I salute that great Western Jewish tradition that loves to celebrate at least twice a year...

Brith Sholom Media Watch Alert #857, 6/4/17 (grp 1)

WHILE YOU STAND ON ONE LEG:  Last week, in the wake of a terror attack in Britain, we focused on the importance of people in the West seeing Israeli victims of bombings, stabbings, car...

Somewhere over the rainbow

As we read in the Torah portion, Noach, the rainbow became a symbol that God would not destroy the world by flood again. These days it has come to represent the kaleidoscope of humanity. For...

From out of Zion

It was a promise made at the dawn of Jewish history and despite all the doubters and haters, it is a modern-day miracle. Perhaps that is why the sight of Jews reclaiming their long lost...

Biden Administration Funds Anti-Israel Curricula, Hate Messages

US taxpayer money, thanks to the Biden administration, is now once again going directly to an international agency that promotes messages of hate against Israel and denies its right to exist. The claim...

The guardian on the “Dark Side” of Israel’s constant baby boom

An article in the Guardian (“The women who wish they weren’t mothers: ‘An unwanted pregnancy lasts a lifetime’”, July 16) provides stories of “women from across the world who felt pressured to have children”, in the context of...

Al-Azhar: Jewish Settlers are Not Civilians

Al-Azhar tweeted in support of what Hamas did from day one, and now it adds extra proof of its inhuman attitude.  Here you will find a lot of victimhood talk, but nothing at all about the crimes...

A REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: In the land of war and hope

THE SHARDS OF the vessel that was shattered on Oct. 7 are scattered far and wide. They lie in cemeteries; their images look out at us from posters; others who are still breathing are...

The Process: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East

Reviewed by David Bedein, Media Research Analyst and Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency, Jerusalem, Israel. The 1993 Middle East negotiations came to be known as the Oslo process, because of secret talks held in the Norwegian...