German Government: Indirect Support For The “Right Of Return”

One consistent aspect of cultural life in the United Nations-run Palestinian Arab refugee camps: the film screenings in the camps which motivate the refugees longing for a Palestinian "right to return" to villages that...

Arrest of Man for Blowing the Shofar During Prayer in the Old City in...

We ave been working on this story for the past 48 hours. The police spokespeople are saying that the shofar blower was arrested AFTER the prayers, claiming that he purposely blew the shofar in order...

Remarks by U.S. Security Coordinator LTG Keith Dayton

In response to a question about Israel's security raised by subcommittee ranking member Mike Pence (R-Indiana), Dayton assured the members, "Nothing we do to strengthen the Palestinian's security capability will be targeted against Israel......

NCYI [National Council of Young Israel ] Denounces Israeli Suppression of Free Speech

Rabbi Pesach Lerner Executive Vice President National Council of Young Israel 111 John Street Suite 450 New York, NY 10038 212-929-1525 ext 100 Fax 212-727-9526 January 13, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Aaron Troodler (888) 897-7450 On Wednesday night, January 9th,...

Sderot resident; 66-year old Maria, angry with Hamas

Maria Kovelskya is a 66-year old Ukrainian immigrant. Her husband died a year and half ago. She now lives alone in her Sderot apartment with her five cats to keep her company."I live in fear here...

The “Pay Czar”, Obama’s Private Meetings With Jewish Leaders and Netanyahu: Special Report from...

Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations. How did the General Assembly of United Jewish Federations originally land President Barack Obama as a speaker?...

Rewriting history on the taxpayer dime The U.S. government, via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided support for a glossy 39-page "Palestine Guide Book." Just released by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism, it declares on its...

MICHAEL IGNATIEFF ON IRAN, KAIROS, UNWRA, A PALESTINIAN STATE AND AN URBAN RESERVE IN... Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Michael Ignatieff. Photo by Rhonda Spivak. By Rhonda Spivak The following are questions given to Michael Ignatieff, the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party who was in Winnipeg during an interview...

Israeli distrust of the Palestinian security services

Israeli security forces show great suspicion toward the Palestinian security apparatus in the West Bank despite the fact that they battle Hamas and were trained by the U.S. General Dayton. Israel assesses that a scenario of another...

Why Israel is a rogue state [Gabriel Latner]

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition - "Israel is a rogue state". Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to...