The involvement of the ‘uninvolved’: Gaza’s population actively abetted Hamas in plotting against Israel

Some 20,000 "uninvolved" workers from Gaza used to enter Israel every day until the slaughter. They did so for months and months. They worked in the communities of the Gaza border, in Sderot, and...

From Israel: The Pernicious Lies of “Settler Violence”!!

January 3, 2024 There are so many instances of distortion in the media that present a false, negative picture of Israel that I could easily write a book on the subject. But I want to focus...

David Bedein: How the PLO Covenant Never Changed after the Oslo Accords

Jordan: Al-Majd on ‘Arafat-Abu-Marzuq Meeting, US Initiative

Yasir 'Arafat has asserted that US envoy Dennis Ross, who arrived in the Middle East yesterday, is carrying an important draft US initiative to end the deadlocked Palestinian- Israeli negotiations. US Secretary of State...

Yediot Aharonot’s Ron Ben-Yishai: Don’t Know What Arafat Wants

Senior "Yediot Aharonot" reporter, Ron Ben-Yishai's article, EXPOSURE: Military Intelligence Estimate - The Chance of War in the Coming Year Greater Than In The Past was the feature article in the Friday, 10th July...

The Revival of UN Resolution #181

Resolution 181's Revival In the May 9, 1999, edition of Al-Ayyam, Journalist Tawfiq Abu Bakr reported on the Palestinian Central Council meetings that discussed Palestinian measures on May 4th 1999: "Minister Nabil Sha'ath said... that...

What Did Barak Know

On January 27, 2000, The Israel State Comptroller, the highest arbiter of the Israeli legal system, asserted that the campaign to elect Ehud Barak as the prime minister of Israel had established no less...

Evaluating the US State Department Memo on PASSIA

Foggy-Bottom Do's In direct violation of stringent, federal government law, The United States Department of State, Office of International Development (USAID) just keeps on blithely funding the Palestinian Authority's,Congressional arm-twisting department: the Palestinian Academic Society...

The Sharon Plan: Not Disengagement – PLO Empowerment

The Sharon Plan, often described as the "disengagement" process, has become one of the most hotly debated news items in Israel. What is most newsworthy, given the charged emotions that this debate has created, is...

Pres. Eisenhower regretted he pushed Israel to pull from Sinai

Eisenhower was hotheaded in the situation. His telephone call to Prime Minister Anthony Eden was delivered in a crude barracks-style tongue lashing. Two days into the war he admonished Prime Minister Ben Gurion "......