In October of 2009, I had the opportunity to sit down with Talal Nasser, a senior Hamas official in the Hamas office in Damascus, Syria. Hamas is designated by the West as a terrorist...

Letter from Palestinians to Abbas: Retract refusal to deny Jewish right to Israel

(With thanks to for helping locate this article) Don't deny our rights: An open letter to Mahmoud Abbas MAAN Published Wednesday 18/08/2010 (updated) 18/08/2010 19:52 22 July 2010 We are Palestinians of diverse perspectives and affiliations...

Searching for the Al Aqsa Brigades in Ireland?

This article was authored by reporter Samuel Sokol: In 2007 the Israeli government under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced that it was willing to grant amnesty to members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades,...

Hamas Navy Assigned To Attack Israel

Israel's intelligence community has determined that Hamas was using its navy to attack the Jewish state. The state-financed Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, deemed the open-source arm of the intelligence community, identified the Hamas naval...

No longer a journalist’s paradise Hebrew-language journalism in Israel is robust, comprehensive and often-courageous, but it has several flaws that ought to be brought to light if only to stimulate self-criticism and if possible, improvement. One of them is the...

The True Perpetrators of The Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the World

What a tragic, evil joke. A drive-by shooter in the beautiful, almost magical, city of Toulouse, France, murders three Jewish children and a teacher in front of their school. Various VIPs issue statements about...

Ben Zion Netanyahu, the Mufti and the U.S. election of 1946 When I as a high school student at Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia in the 1960’s, our high school history teacher, Dr. Harold Gorvine, did everything that he could to make history come alive...

Tzipi Livni, are you listening? An age-old Jewish tradition suggests that the wildest fantasies usually end up coming true. This week, there was a talking ass in the Torah portion, it turned out that Jesus never wanted to start...

Aid for Palestinians: Breaking Down Walls or Building Them Higher? A photo of a UNRWA school in Gaza after it was shelled by Israeli forces. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international...

Egypt’s Others Egypt’s armed forces appear to be leading a revival of Egyptian nationalism since the ousting of Mohamed Morsi. The civic state with equal rights for all citizens, the respect for Egypt's security institutions, and...