The blood libel film For the past several months a campaign has been under way in Israel and around the world, backed by an endless budget, aimed at aggravating the relationship between the State of Israel and the...

Nitzan’s destructive disengagement days Six pages of Shai Nitzan's biography were laid on the cabinet's table this morning. The extent that his personal convictions influenced his decision-making during his tenure as deputy attorney-general continues to stir controversy. "I...

Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 19[3]9 “The sky was all purpleThere were people runnin’ everywhere Oops out of time,Tryin’ to run from the destructionYou know I didn’t even care...So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 199.”-Prince, “1999” I have been working...

The Geneva Agreement: Neither a “Historic Agreement nor a “Historic Failure From the reactions of senior Israeli government officials, one might think that Iran left Geneva with approval from the P5+1 to develop nuclear weapons, and that the agreement reached will allow Iran to become...

Report: Israel’s geostrategic status in Mideast improves,7340,L-4458449,00.html The diplomatic-security cabinet convened Tuesday in a Mossad facility for an annual report on Israel's geostrategic status in the Middle East. According to the report, Israel's status in the Middle East has improved over the...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

On November 19, 2013, following mortar shell fire targeting an IDF force, Israeli Air Force aircraft struck terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. Above: Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist operatives examine a training facility in...

Iran Strongly Rejects Text of Geneva Agreement Released by White House TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday called invalid a press release by the White House alleged to be the text of the nuclear agreement struck by Iran and the Group 5+1 (the...


That Barack Obama has betrayed Israel, the Sunni Arab nations, and his own people is, to my thinking, beyond question. He has capitulated to a dangerous terrorist state. The media are full of comments and...

Pros and cons of Geneva deal,7340,L-4457133,00.html The agreement signed early Sunday in Geneva between the world powers and Iran is a reasonable agreement and even a good one - as long as it really is an interim agreement which will...

Yossi Kuperwasser analyses Palestinian incitement On Monday 11 November, Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, the Director General of Israel’s Ministry for Strategic Affairs, who leads a project to monitor and evaluate Palestinian incitement against Israel, addressed a forum on...