The “Day After” Scenario in Syria Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...

The Moral Imperative to Refuse an Immoral or Illegal Military Order in Israel

The statement of “Jewish Home” political leader Naftali Bennet about his refusal to carry out orders to demolidh Jewish or Arab communities must be placed in proper perspecrtive. Israelis one of the few nations which...

PA Allows Hamas Growth In W. Bank

Israel's military has determined the growth of Hamas in the West Bank. Military sources said the army's Central Command has been tracking the growth of the Hamas presence throughout the West Bank. They said the...

Fayad; Hardly a Moderate

The recently resigned former Palestinian Prime Minister Salman Fayad is being eulogized as the late great hope of moderation for the Palestinian Authority. The time has come to question such a characterization of Fayad. A case...

46 years after reunification, Jerusalem is on the up The Jewish nation's DNA Jerusalem, my friends, is the greatest, most justified Israeli settlement there ever has been and ever will be. When celebrating Jerusalem Day tomorrow, we ought to leave discussions about "demographics," "security...

Taking refugees off the table NEW YORK - At a small gathering last week in New York City’s Harvard Club, former Labor and Independence MK Dr. Einat Wilf argued against an “insane” policy that was perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel’s...

Exposing & Reforming UNRWA DONATE TODAY AND HELP US EXPOSE THE UNLAWFUL PRACTICES OF UNRWA I. Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is currently petitioning donor nations to increase to...

January 5, 2014: Where Are We Going? The date I have written here is 2014, and I am pleased that I remembered. With all honesty, this was the major change that “the new year” represented for me. But I have no desire...

Iran Launches Hizbullah network in Syria

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reports that the Teheran regime approved and facilitated the establishment of a Hizbullah force in Syria. In a report, the center said Hizbullah, representing Iranian interests, would operate...

Life and death – writes Michael Kuttner There can be no bigger contrast between the Islamic cult of venerating death and the Jewish tradition of hallowing life. It is at times like this when the glaring differences are on display for...