Investigative Journalist’s Scoop: PA Schools Teaching Kids War?

Audio: Investigative Journalist's Scoop: PA Schools Teaching Kids War? David Bedein, a mild-mannered social worker by training, was once described by former prime minister Yitzchak Rabin as "the biggest pain in the tuchess" for sabotaging...

The Arabs of Israel Israel's Arab citizens are clearly not listening to the bad advice they have been getting from some of their leaders, including Arab members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, who keep inciting them against...

EDITOR’S SPECIAL REPORT FROM NUREMBERG GERMANY: PIG KNUCKLES, THE NUREMBERGER AND MY HOTEL HAS... &sec=1&title=EDITOR'S_SPECIAL_REPORT_ FROM_NUREMBERG_GERMANY:__PIG_KNUCKLES,_ THE_NUREMBERGER_AND_MY_HOTEL_HAS_A_NAZI_EMBLEM “You must try the pig knuckles when you get to Nuremberg,” said the middle-aged German man I met on my flight to Frankfurt, Germany. “When pigs fly, that's when I'll eat pig knuckles,” I thought. I...

Tzipi Livni, are you listening? An age-old Jewish tradition suggests that the wildest fantasies usually end up coming true. This week, there was a talking ass in the Torah portion, it turned out that Jesus never wanted to start...

Not a Matter of Religion Over the next few minutes, the Golani Brigade’s soldiers who drafted in March of this year will swear allegiance to the State of Israel and commit to do all they can to protect it....

Hold Peres Accountable: Questions to Ask the President of Israel

The President of Israel, Shimon Peres, pushing 90, celebrates his longevity with a birthday bash this week that include thousands of invited guests and hundreds of reporters. It behooves the journalists who cover the Peres...

Obama Doctrine: America Allies with Muslim Brotherhood to Promote Middle East ‘Stability’ Here is what I wrote in October 2010, when the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood - Muhammad al-Badi - had just given a sermon calling for the overthrow of Egypt’s government (which happened four...

And the Winner is… Iran’s Nuclear Program The Iranians are the best strategists in the Middle East, better than those in the West, and the reason the Iranians constantly succeed in out-maneuvering the West. In the West, we constantly look for ways...

The Iranian election: Have the people really won? Supporters of Rohani hold a picture of him as they celebrate his victory in Tehran June 15, 2013. Photo: REUTERS/Fars News/Sina Shiri In elections heralded as being neither free nor fair - with the candidates preselected...

US Experts Forecast Military Aid Hikes for Israel Despite sequestration and protracted fiscal constraints, Israel can expect an additional decade of sustained and possibly increased levels of security assistance once its current $30 billion, 10-year military aid package expires in 2018, former...