Getting Your Stolen Car Back from PLO hands

It's not a simple thing to part from one's car, as anyone knows who's ever had to undergo this experience, whether through selling it for upgrading purposes or whether through traumatic circumstances: a lien,...

Official PA TV: Pressures Exerted on Palestinian Children to seek Shahada – Death for...

TV: Child Writes to Mother, "Rejoice over My Death" "Ask for Death - the life will be given to you." This slogan, which was broadcast on Palestinian television on July 5th of last year, was...

World Jewish Congress Exposes UNRWA Refugee Camps as Bases for Terror

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has been co-opted by Palestinian terrorists, turning refugee camps into bases for the recruitment, training and dispatching of suicide bombers and other killers, according to the...

Next stop on the Road Map: All-out war

The End of "Peace" Anyone who breathes the air of Israel during summer 2003 can discern plans for war in the Fall. Israel's press is replete with Israeli intelligence reports which convey the precise plans of...

A Couple from Katif Fight for their Home…

Kfar Darom, Katif Estee Shalva has the unflappable bearing of a woman who has seen it and done it all before. Twenty-two years ago, Shalva, then the mother of four children aged three-and-a-half and under, lived...

Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Va). Analyzes UNRWA Palestinian Refugee Camps Gordon Robertson recently spoke with U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the Chairman of the House Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. He asked him about the use of U.S. taxpayer funds to...

Nearly a Million Living in Poor Jewish Households in the US

Close to 1 million people in American Jewish families live in low-income households, according to a new study that appears to be the most extensive national communal study ever done about economic vulnerability among...

One Must Not Obey an “Illegal Order”

Israel's former Deputy Attorney General, Professor Nahum Rackover, now head of the Jewish Legal Heritage Society most recently convened a brain trust of Israeli experts in Jewish and Israeli jurisprudence to discuss the legal...

How the Evacuees from Katif Were Received

Keep Gush Katif communities intact A truly awesome and well-orchestrated military mission has been successfully executed. Intense months of planning resulted in minimum physical casualties on both sides. A crushing force of some 50,000 soldiers...

An Examination: How Palestinian Media Professionals Can Bend TheTruth.

Printed with permission of the German Suedduetche Zeitung which ran the following article with a detailed examination of the evidence in the Gaza Bearch shooting on June 9th, 2006. It clarifies many aspects of...