Senior Israeli intelligence officer: ‘Our strategy isn’t working’

Israel's current strategy for countering Hezbollah activity in southern Lebanon "is not working... should be changed soon" according to an Israeli military intelligence officer. The officer's remarks echoed sentiments expressed by a growing number of...

Michael Levine, of Philadelphia, who fell in battle with Hizbullah

A fellow Philadelphian, Michael Levine ( first sergeant in paratroopers brigade) was killed in battle in Lebanon last night, one of three Israeli troops die in close combat with the Hizbullah. He was 22...

Iranian School Books Prepare a New Generation for War with America

A new study of 115 Iranian school textbooks concludes that Iran is preparing its children for war, and is willing to risk massive casualties for the opportunity to defeat America in a world-wide cataclysmic...


Israel has examined the prospect of developing long-range, precision-strike artillery that could destroy missile batteries in such countries as Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Officials said the Defense Ministry was considering proposals from defense...

Egypt Demands Israel To Vacate Port City of Eilat

It will be remembered that the 1967 Six-Day War broke out after Egypt closed the straits of Tiran and strangled the trade from Israel's southern port city of Eliat. Yet few are aware that Egypt...

A New Contract

"Your people are my people and your G-d is my G-d," said Ruth the Moabite to Naomi her mother-in-law, and she joined the Jewish people, and "Boaz redeemed her and she begat Obed and...

Abbas and the ‘Armed Struggle’

On February 28, the Jordanian daily al-Dustur released an interview with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. It included the following: "At this present juncture, I am opposed to the armed struggle because we can't succeed...

Abie Nathan’s legacy from the Yom Kippur War

On Yom Kippur 5734 (1973), when planes flew overhead and there were rumors of an impending war on two fronts, we came home from synagogue and listened to the only station that was broadcasting...

THE SDEROT PERSPECTIVE:Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? Who by Fire and who...

This is the ultimate and central prayer recited on Rosh HaShana. This prayer remains theoretical for most Jewish people in the world, as they pray and hope for the best in the New Year. For the...


The news of the week in Israel’s bustling capital revolves around Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policy speech at Bar Ilan University on June 14, where Israel formally announced that it would indeed recognize an independent Palestinian state, if it were to be demilitarized and if would recognize Israel as a Jewish state, as proscribed in the “declaration of principles” of the 1993 Oslo accords, which were signed by Israel and the PLO on the White House lawn in September 1993, approved by the Israeli Knesset Parliament, yet never ratified by the PLO.