In the service of the Palestinians,7340,L-4371351,00.html British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould is doing all he can for the Palestinian army, which he claims plays a crucial role in the establishment of a Palestinian state. He is urging Israel to...

Slashed budgets, plummeting standards, and political radicalization have turned Israel’s most respected newspaper into... In early April of this year, the controversial Haaretz reporter Amira Hass, whose coverage of Palestinian violence over the last decade has often prompted accusations of bias, caused a major stir when she published...

Speech to Board of Deputies of British Jews INTRODUCTION Chief Rabbi, Your Excellency, My Lords, and Gentlemen, Mr. President I am honoured and delighted to be with you tonight. You have already shown me every courtesy. Indeed, you have done even more than courtesy...

How UNRWA Steals Money from Those Who Need It Most The UN High Commissioner for Refugees is threatening to end relief operations for Syrian refugees, who currently number 1.3 million and counting, if it doesn’t receive the necessary funds soon. The agency says it...

Underwater Internet Cable Cutting: A Neglected Aspect of Cyber Warfare EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Cyber warfare is the newest addition to the domain of war. Though attention is usually focused on software aspects of this new battlefield, a low-tech attack on the hardware infrastructure can be...

Whoever Attacked Boston, The Revolutionary Islamist Terror War on America is Still in High... Whoever perpetrated the terror attack in Boston, Americans have been probably underestimating the extent of the terror war against them and what has been its overwhelming single point of origin. This fact is not...

SPECIAL REPORT: CANADA’S UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA STUDENTS’ UNION BECOMES FIRST IN NORTH AMERICA TO... The University of Manitoba Students Union (UMSU) has become the first in North America to vote to ban Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) on campus and strip the group Students Against Israel Apartheid (SAIA) of...

Germany Cracks Down on Critics of Mega-Mosque The Bavarian branch of Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), has placed under state surveillance German activists accused of fomenting hate against Muslims due to their opposition to the construction of...

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration." -- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood The upheavals...

Rewarding Terror Against Israel While Denouncing It Elsewhere As Boston was mourning its victims of terror yesterday, a Parisian suburb was planning a gala fete for terrorists. Among those slated to be honored at tonight’s ceremony in St. Denis are Allam Kaabi,...