UNRWA’s terrorists

Tragically, the visuals the Israeli government has been using—dead and maimed bodies—are too easy for the PLO and Hamas to counter. It was not hard to predict that the Arabs would now line up their...

UNRWA after the war

The war in Gaza will change many basic things, not only in the Middle East but all over the world as well, hopefully for the better and a policy change within UNRWA is a...


Haaretz | Opinion Israel Is Not Committing Genocide in Gaza …instead of seeing this as positive and critical to put checks and balances on Netanyahu's government, which indeed includes supporters of terror, genocide and full apartheid, Which members of...

Why Biden’s new Ambassador to Israel is ‘DEEPLY DISTURBING’

The Senate has confirmed Jack Lew as the United States' new ambassador to Israel and it reveals a lot about what Biden's true intentions may be. Glenn runs through the basic qualifications an ambassador...

The roots of Hamas’ terror attack can be found in Gaza’s schools

At the core of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza is a question: When Israel withdrew from the coastal Palestinian enclave in 2005, why did the romantic vision of it as a place that would...

Join a war time effort to counter indiscretions of Haaretz English

Join a war time effort to counter indiscretions of Haaretz English A source of confusion and hostility about Israel - especially during a time of war- lies with the English edition of Haaretz Academia, Foreign press, Diplomatic corps...

International and Israeli Sociologists in Solidarity with Hamas

A new petition titled "Sociologists in Solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian People" was posted recently, with some two thousand signatures from students and staff. It includes many Arabs and some Jews, including David Feldman, Professor...

True colours

It is at times like these when one can discover who is genuine and who is “missing in action”. This is not the first time that Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have faced a...

Inquisition at the UN

Antonio Guterres is Secretary General of the United Nations. His public response to the Hamas Oct 7 Atrocity was to justify the slaughter of Israelis by reciting a stream of pitiful excuses and outrageous...

The Day After Tomorrow

I teach film, among other things, and there is a film that comes to mind while assessing the current situation in Israel. It is the 1996 American science fiction action film Independence Day. In the aftermath of a...