Iran Shows Off New Toys Iranian military leaders claim to have successfully built and tested several new submarines, missiles, and warplanes during a several-day military exercise meant to showcase Tehran’s increased naval prowess. Special operations forces tied to Iran’s navy...

News report about the US funded PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces

Commentary from David Bedein: The following news report about the US funded PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces, contains some important aspects Comments from senior Israeli security people that warn about future confrontations with the UN trained...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...

Egypt “On the Verge of Bankruptcy” Egypt is effectively out of cash. With foreign exchange reserves at a “critical minimum,” Egypt’s central bank imposed exchange controls and let the Egyptian pound exchange rate fall by about 5 percent from the...

Iran Shows Off New Toys Iranian military leaders claim to have successfully built and tested several new submarines, missiles, and warplanes during a several-day military exercise meant to showcase Tehran’s increased naval prowess. Special operations forces tied to Iran’s navy...

Results: Abraham Center for Middle East Peace If Pigs Could Fly Polls Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: The Israeli media was filled today with the result of the two "If pigs could fly" polls commissioned by the Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Why "if pigs...

Egypt “On the Verge of Bankruptcy” Egypt is effectively out of cash. With foreign exchange reserves at a “critical minimum,” Egypt’s central bank imposed exchange controls and let the Egyptian pound exchange rate fall by about 5 percent from the...

Israel Redefines Victory in the New Middle East Israel is redefining its concept of military victory in a Middle East dominated by terrorist organizations turned quasi-state actors. Once, decisive, unmistakable victories, accompanied by conquests of territory that had been used to stage attacks...

Hamastine: A Present from the U.N. to Khaled Mashaal In a field near the Islamic University -- where PhD theses are written on topics such as "The role of the Muslim mother in preparing her sons to be shaheeds of the resistance"...

What Wingate Wrought Everyone still remembers T. E. Lawrence, if only because of David Lean’s magnificent movieLawrence of Arabia and Lawrence’s own literary masterpiece,Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Yet far fewer remember Lawrence’s distant cousin, the British Army officer...