The Modern Dilemma

The Hamas war is Iran's war against the modern world. It was long-planned, but the trigger that set it off was the blossoming of Israeli "normalization" with the Saudis. The cartoon asks if the leaders...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – October 23, 2023

I Negotiated Israel’s Hardest Hostage Deal. Here’s What’s Next in Gaza.

Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier, had been a hostage for five years before Israel and Hamas were seriously willing to work toward his release. That was 2011. I had been pursuing secret back-channel communications...

UNRWA incites during a time of war

At a time when the war in Gaza continues in full force, Israeli state security services are finally enforcing a crackdown on incitement, a step which our agency has advocated for more than 30...

The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies

For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region. I was convinced that Israel had a genuine partner in...

Mahmoud Abbas und der Terror der Hamas

Die Kommentare von PA-Präsident Abbas gegenüber palästinensischen Medien enthielten kein einziges Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung, sehr wohl aber die Zusage von lebenslangen Renten an die Familien der Terroristen. Die Ereignisse der vergangenen zwei...

The involvement of the ‘uninvolved’: Gaza’s population actively abetted Hamas in plotting against Israel

Some 20,000 "uninvolved" workers from Gaza used to enter Israel every day until the slaughter. They did so for months and months. They worked in the communities of the Gaza border, in Sderot, and...

New Poverties Conferences

Dec 2019 Jerusalem: Biologic, Economic, Environmental …and Ethical Challenges Local, Regional, and Global  March 2023 Jerusalem: Updates from First Conference Elihu D Richter CR 2023 presentation final black

Witness to Terror: Unearthing Horrors of Oct 7th

As a secondary witness to the atrocities that transpired on October 7th, I recount the horrors of the massacres. Photo credit: We are now on the 11th day of conflict in Gaza, under Hamas control,...

Phony, Fickle And Fleeting

As the initial shock over the Hamas massacre of Israelis wears off, the predictable reactions start to roll in. One didn’t need to be a genius in order to anticipate this. The whole gamut of hypocrisy...