Rights Spelled Clear

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/2012/12/6/december-6-2012-rights-spelled-clear.html As promised, a different sort of posting here: legal and historical background that is essential to understanding Jewish rights in the land. This review will be succinct, with links to informational sites for those who...

Palestinian Authority forces attack Israeli Troops

In the first such confrontation in more than a decade, Palestinian Authority forces have attacked the Israel Army. Scores of PA officers confronted Israeli Army soldiers in of Hebron. Israeli soldiers fired stun grenades and...

Building in Jerusalem: A Strategic Imperative

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives190.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Despite mounting international pressure, Israel must follow up on its recent declaration to build in and around Jerusalem, particularly in Area E1, which connects the capital to the settlement of Maaleh Adumim....

Operation Pillar of Defense: An Initial Strategic and Military Assessment

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives189.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel’s achievements in Operation Pillar of Defense include its ability to surprise Hamas, kill its military leader, and destroy most of its strategic assets. The performance of the Iron Dome anti-missile system...

Israeli Intelligence Official: Border With Syria Will Soon be “the Hottest Border in Israel”

http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/12/04/israeli-intelligence-official-border-with-syria-will-soon-be-the-hottest-border-in-israel/ A senior Israeli intelligence official has told Israel’s Channel 2 that soon the country’s border with Syria will be “the hottest border in Israel,” even more dangerous and active than those shared with...

Kuwait Expels Thousands of Palestinians

Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as...

Life in Rocket Town: In the Shadow of Gaza’s Fury

http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insideisrael/2012/November/Living-in-Rocket-Town-In-the-Shadow-of-Gazas-Fury/ SDEROT, Israel -- Israel launched a major military operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip following a sharp rise in rocket attacks on southern Israeli communities over the last days and weeks. CBN's Scott Ross...

Video: The Culture of Peace and Incitement in the PA Index – 2 December...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59273 For Video: http://youtu.be/j6rI4mVb_FA As Power Point http://www.pmo.gov.il/English/MediaCenter/Spokesman/Documents/hasataENG0212112.ppt Video: The Culture of Peace and Incitement in the PA Index - 2 December 2012 Special Briefing on Incitement in the Palestinian Authority The Prime Minister's Office - Jerusalem 2 December 2012 Pursuant to...

Expert: Israel Should Let the PA Collapse

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/162734#.ULz3zOT2_85 Israel should let the Palestinian Authority collapse, particularly in the wake of its unilateral statehood bid at the United Nations, says Professor Efraim Inbar. Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) at...

The Iranian Role in the 2012 Gaza Conflict

http://jcpa.org/article/the-iranian-role-in-the-2012-gaza-conflict/ No. 592 November-December 2012 During the fighting in Gaza in November 2012, Iran took pains to highlight its own supply of weapons and means of manufacturing them to the Palestinians, contrasting the feebleness of the...