The U.S. Congress Warns Egypt On Hamas

Leading members of Congress have warned Egypt of the loss of U.S. aid unless it ends support for Hamas. Senior House and Senate members have determined that Egypt was supporting Hamas' war against Israel in...

November 18, 2012: Fighting on All Fronts I've alluded to some of this already, but want to return to look in some more detail at the various "fronts" we are dealing with in this conflict. I wrote yesterday about the fact that...

America, Israel, Gaza, the World As Israeli airstrikes and naval shells bombarded Gaza this weekend, the world asked the question that perennially frustrates, confuses and enrages so many people across the planet: Why aren’t the Americans hating on Israel...

Dog Saves Owner from Rocket Strike Louisa saved her owner's life in Ashkelon. Photo Credit: Noam Bedein, Sderot Media Center The coastal city of Ashkelon, population 130,000, was hit particularly hard on Sunday. In one attack, a rocket slammed into a four-story...

Obama Blocks Israeli Invasion of Gaza

Western diplomats said Obama has been on the telephone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu nearly every day amid the war between Israel and the Gaza Strip. They said Obama has urged Netanyahu not to...

Operation Pillar of Defense: Update No. 1 (November 15, 1300 Hours) Overview 1. On the afternoon of November 14, 2012, the IDF began Operation Pillar of Defense in the Gaza Strip. The opening shot was the targeted killing of Ahmed al-Jaabari, commander of Hamas' military-terrorist wing,...

Israel at war (potentially the start of World War III): Glenn Beck opens his...

From "The Glenn Beck Program" (Thursday, November 15, 2012 edition)

Israel attacks Gaza, threats of war Il Giornale, November 15th, 2012 Hamas military leader Jabari killed. The terror organization replies: “The gates of hell have opened” The Israeli Government long pondered before launching a military operation called “Amud Anan”, column of cloud,...

Escalating Hamas Attacks a Result of the Arab Spring The latest escalation along the Israel-Gaza border - which saw Palestinians fire more than 250 rockets at Israel since Wednesday after Israel, responding to days of only slightly less intensive rocket fire, assassinated a...

Israel Cautious Along Syrian Border

Israel's military has been directed to act with extreme caution along the border with Syria. Military sources said Israel Army units along the Golan Heights have been warned against responding to mortar and automatic fire...