US AID Sponsor of PLO Propaganda Agencies to be Exposed in Washington

The US House of Representatives International Relations Committee has received an unpublished report of US foreign aid allocations to organizations that operate inside the Palestinian National Authority and in Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem. A member...

Israel’s New Security Situation Following The Release of Arafat from his Compound

Arafat The Street Did Not Wait For Arafat Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 3) by Roni Shaked -- At 2:00 in the morning, Arafat faced the cameras, in his first press conference after the siege, and in...

“Put Arafat on Trial”

The rule of law requires that murderers be brought to justice. Yasser Arafat is a cold-blooded, premeditated murderer. It would seem to follow that he should be brought to trial. The incontrovertible evidence of Arafat's complicity...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...

The “Patriots” Have Landed: Israel Prepares for War

Picnicking at Missile Launching Site Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 5) by Zvi Alush -- The IDF testing site in southern Israel, from which a number of Patriot missiles were successfully test-fired as part of a joint...

News Investigations of Americans for Peace Now, the Courage to Refuse campaign and Israeli...

1. Shalom Achshav: Malshin Achshav Over the past month, the Americans for Peace Now have been conducting an unprecedented campaign for a Jewish organization, and a member of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish...

Syria Has Missile With 700 Km Range

Syria has acquired a new Scud missile with a 700 kilometer range that is capable of carrying a chemical warhead. This new missile has the entire State of Israel within its range. The security establishment...

‘Road Map’ to Peace… or Undue Pressure…?

I am a confirmed Israeli liberal. I believe there should be a Palestinian state on virtually all the land occupied by Israel since 1967. I feel strongly that the vast majority of the settlements...

Why and How the Israeli Government Facilitated Weapons and Military Training for the PLO

Israel's "Orr Commission of Inquiry" addressed Israel's security establishment's faulty decision making process concerning security matters pertaining to the Israel Arab community, which resulted in the deaths of 14 Israeli citizens during riots that...

Striking Syrian Bases of Terror: Is Saudi Arabia Next?

While the people of Israel were in the midst of preparations for the solemn fast of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, this year's observance of Yom Kippur has been overshadowed by nostalgic...