IDF Intelligence Testimony: ‘Calm’ Gives Terror Organization Leaders No Fear Of Harm

The director of the investigative department of the IDF's Intelligence Branch, Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidetz,told the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the calm allows the leaders of the Palestinian organizations' military wings to...

First Hand Account of Latest Missile Attacks on Maccabees Street in Sderot

How fast can you run in 10 seconds?: The siren, "Tseva Adom" - COLOR RED, went off at approximately 9: 15 p.m. I took out a video camera, donned press credentials, ran outside, and, three seconds...

Commentary: A Word of Caution

A word of caution is in order today regarding what seem to be peaceful overtures. Spain has just hosted a Spanish-Arab conference in Madrid that 19 members of the Arab League attended. (It is, I will...

Commentary: From Hebron to Winograd

Two days ago, Jewish residents of the Hebron area moved into an unoccupied four-story house in Hebron, on the road between Kiryat Arba and the Cave of Machpelah (Tomb of the Patriarchs) in the...

Hamas Launches Missile Attacks On Israel’s Independence Day: World Surprises Israel And Recognizes Hamas...

The Palestinian-operated Ma'an news agency reported yesterday that Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, took responsibility for launching more than 80 missiles into the Israeli communities that border Gaza during Israel's Independence...

International Solidarity Movement Gaza ship to sail from Cyprus

SHIPS CARRYING up to a hundred international volunteers are set to travel from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip in August to mark the fortieth anniversary of the capture of the West Bank, Gaza Strip...

Does the Government of Israel Protect its Own Population? Scathing Report Raises Doubts

One year ago, this reporter covered the war in the north of Israel when 4,000 rockets fell on population centers of more than 1.4 million Israeli citizens. As the father of a young man...

We Cease, They Fire: Anatomy of a Ceasefire Disaster

"Hamas could learn both positive and negative lessons from the last round of escalation. On the positive side, it succeeded in consistently and systematically launching rockets at Israel, extending the rockets' range to Ashkelon,...

Incisive News Diary

Posting: May 5, 2008 "Who Knows?" Who knows how this latest potential scandal with Olmert will play out... In spite of the fact that police are arguing that the investigation and its legal implications takes precedence over...

Olmert’s Legacy

Israel's daily newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, has revealed details of the meeting held between outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and U.S. special envoy George Mitchell. In the meeting Mr. Olmert detailed commitments that he had...