Jimmy Carter, an unwilling Bilaam

[Jimmy Carter qualifies for the role of Bilaam because Bilaam spoke with clear unintetionality, even though Bilaam did have a belief in God.

On the day of the Carter visit, I called Etzion Mayor Shaul Goldstein, in my capacity as the head of Israel Resource News Agency, which often accompanies reporters to Judea and asked Goldstein if there would be a possibility for reporters to ask Carter some questions after the visit.

Goldstein politely explained that the ground rules of the visit were that there would be NO press conf after the visit of Jimmy in his home.

As a result, our agency advised the press that there would only be a photo op after the visit.

Whatever occurred during the visit appearently affected Carter.

Reporters did not expect Carter to say anything.

One cameraman mentioned, however, that as soon as Carter saw the TV cameras, as he left the Goldstein home, that he made a bee line to the TV cameras and initiated his statement that gave a blessing to the Jewish community of Neve Daniel in Gush Etzion, that it should forever be a part of the state of Israel.

Neve Daniel is the highest place in the land of Israel.

During the Gulf War in 1991, we accompanied TV crews to Neve Daniel, to film the Iraqi rockets as they landed in Gush Dan.

From Neve Daniel, where the naked eye can view Gaza, and imagine Goliath approaching...from where you can turn your neck and view the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Jimmy Carter is a believing Christian. His belief in "middle east peace" stems from that belief. When he stood on high in Neve Daniel, something turned that belief to cause him to praise the people of Judea instead of burying them - David Bedein]

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