The Differences Between 1982 and 2005 – From a Personal and Professional Perspective

People often ask why there is any reason to be so excited about what the Sharon government proposes when it proposes the demolition of 26 Jewish communities in Gush Katif in Gaza and in...

Roundups of Jews

Our community phone message system is in operation most of the day. Notices of prayer meetings, protest gatherings, organized meetings between soldiers and settlers, births, deaths, controlled explosions, take cover’ because of Arab bombardment,...

Our Efforts to Free our Daughter, Chaya

We would like to update you on our work in this struggle. We realize many of you may not have the time to read this entire email, so we will summarize it first and then...

Legal Brief Filed on Behalf of Jewish Residents of the Katif District in the...

A legal brief was filed on Thursday, August 18, 2005, with the Supreme Court of Israel, on behalf of the Jewish residents of Israeli towns in Gaza strip who are being expelled from their...

Serious Weapons Smuggled Into Gaza Strip

The lack of control demonstrated by Egyptian forces on Philadelphi Road continued yesterday: Despite official promises that they had closed all the crossings between the two parts of Rafah, yesterday again Palestinians from the Gaza...

Disengagement Lessons: Flawed Pullout Predictions Should Make Olmert Rethink His Plan

Eight months after the withdrawal from Gaza, or what was referred to as a "unilateral disengagement," things are not developing according to the early scenario marketed to the public. Almost nothing has materialized in the...

Editorial in Palestinian Authority Official Publication, Following Bomb in Tel Aviv

I don't think, no, I am sure that the last Tel Aviv operation did not make any of Israel's leaders lose any sleep over it. They had previous knowledge of the possibility of it...

Double Discrimination: Removal of Human Rights in Judea?

The request of the Israeli government for Israeli citizens to place a sticker on their car if they live in Judea was stated as a way to "ease the situation at the checkpoints" The only...

Ari Shavit interviews former COS Ya’alon – slams the disengagement

... General (res.) Moshe Ya'alon, the chief of staff until shortly before the disengagement, spoke passionately by telephone from his current place of residence in Washington.... Lieutenant General (res.) Moshe Ya'alon: "There is no doubt...

Jenin Redux: UNRWA Once Again Misleads the Media

Four years ago, Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield in response to a spate of horrendous suicide bombings. The theater of operations was the West Bank, specifically the UNRWA refugee camp in Jenin, referred to...