Human Rights Watch:

"Hezbollah's attacks in Israel on Sunday and Monday were at best indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas, at worst the deliberate targeting of civilians. Either way, they were serious violations of international humanitarian law and...

Official West Bank withdrawal panel commissioned by Israeli Foreign Minister Livni: No solution to...

The realignment committee set up to evaluate the idea of a unilateral withdrawal from most of the West Bank presented senior political officials with its report in which they raised legal, security and economic...


Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, has put out his weekly commentary. He calls it "Wake up call: Dumbo crashes in Gaza." The message, people think elephants can fly, but guess what? They can't. As...


Israel's military has been developing plans for a major offensive in the Gaza Strip. The General Staff has renewed plans for a permanent presence in the southern Gaza Strip in an effort to halt arms...

Hamas-Fatah Agree on Avoiding Armed Clashes: Palestinian Factions Say Prisoners’ Exchange Deal Close

28/10/2006 One of the three Palestinian factions holding captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in the Gaza Strip said on Saturday that it expected a solution to the crisis within days. Shalit was captured in a...

Reflections on New Reality in Israel

I once had my private life. I raised a family, a business, a home-thank God. I voted for a different party each election. Even the Pensioners Party once got my vote. What suddenly came...

Commentary: Expectations of War and Terror

Yesterday a report from a high ranking officer in the Southern Command was made public: Palestinians released in prisoner exchanges, he said, "always return to terrorism." Always. That's pretty clear, and pretty direct as...

Commentary: How Abbas’s Encouragement to Attack Israel is Being Carried Out

Two weeks ago, at a rally for Fatah, PA president Mahmoud Abbas said, "Let a thousand flowers bloom, and let our rifles, all our rifles, all our rifles, be aimed at the Occupation." Yesterday, shortly...

Commentary: The Anticipated Winograd Report

... Things are heating up here politically in anticipation of the interim report from the Winograd Commission (which is looking at our failures in the Lebanon war). Due in a matter of weeks, this...

Arlene Kushner Critiques Israel Consulate’s brochure on Israeli Foreign Policy

I write this from Jerusalem as an American-born Israeli citizen. A friend of mine in the States forwarded this material to me, and I would like to take the liberty of making a couple...