Israel’s vibrant democracy By any objective standard, Israeli democracy is as robust and pluralistic as any in the world. There are no restrictions on any form of protest or advocacy, including very fierce and unpopular criticism of...

Hamas and Fatah Want a New Intifada Hamas and Fatah have lately ratcheted up their rhetoric against Israel in a clear bid to distract attention from their failure to end their power struggle. By backing a "popular resistance" against Israel, Hamas and...

PA Wants Armed Personnel In Israeli-Controlled Area

Background: by: Middle East Newsline: The Palestinian Authority has been pressing to deploy armed personnel in Israeli-controlled areas of the West Bank as a step toward an independent state. Fayad has been lobbying the European...

U.S. Complicit with Palestinian Authority Budgeting Mischief

The Palestinian Authority is crying poverty again, complaining about a decrease in expected levels of foreign aid that will force Palestinians into penury or - heaven forbid - tax increases. The Palestinian public is...

Unseen Consequences of a Palestinian Arab State On my first night in Israel, August 31, 1970, my 20th birthday, I arrived at the campus of Hebrew University, to participate in a study group that met every Thursday night at the Lauterman...

UN Sec’y General dispatched a corrective memo describing Bulgarian attack as an act of...

Following the revelation by UN WATCH that the UN would not condemn the ajUly 18 attack in Bulgaria as an act of terror, our agency contacted Farhan Haq,the spokesman of the UN Sec'y General...

Brussels’s Hezbollah Blinders When terrorists struck in Bulgaria last month, killing five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver, Jerusalem immediately accused Hezbollah and its Iranian paymasters of the crime. Tehran and Hezbollah, as always, denied it....

It won’t work without the Americans,7340,L-4263870,00.html It is becoming increasingly clear that the sanctions won’t be enough to cause the Iranian government to halt its nuclear program. No one can predict exactly when or how Iran will wave the white...

Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network: Glory to the Egyptian Martyrs and Shame on Criminals 08 August 2012 The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) condemns, in the strongest terms, the heinous crime committed by an armed group in Sinai on Sunday, 05 August 2012, the result of which 16 Egyptian...

Israel Warned Not To Rely On U.S. A former White House adviser ruled out the prospect that Washington would launch a strike on Iran's nuclear infrastructure. David Wurmser, a senior adviser to then-Vice President Richard Cheney, said he did not know...