A critical new text for understanding the Middle East: “The Sources of Iranian negotiating...

There are basically two ways to approach the Middle East: * Option 1: Understand what makes Farsi- and Arabic-speaking, Muslim-majority societies different from the West given their history, experiences, culture, politics, and other features. * Option...

News Analysis:”The Other Shoe?”

The "other shoe" I'm referring to is the end result of the whole business of extending the freeze, or part of the freeze, or whatever, so that face-to-face negotiations might continue. There is the...

(Rejecting the Notion of the “Iranian-supported Gaza Regime”) Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is...

http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/12/gaza-going-to-be-well-off-islamist-republic The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure...

“The Shepherd Hotel in Perspective”

This is going to be a two-part posting. I participated in a tour of eastern Jerusalem, which incorporated the Shepherd hotel of Sheikh Jarrah as well as part of the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood. Today, I...

Bibi, Barack and Tom Friedman

Reading a Tom Friedman column on Bibi and Barack is to take a step into a virtual reality show, where the director, Tom Friedman, says there will be no connection to any real facts...

Getting Birthright Wrong

http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2011/7/6/main-feature/1/getting-birthright-wrong In mid-June, The Nation magazine, which for decades has provided a special platform for Jewish critics of Zionism, published an article by a young alumna of Birthright Israel, the organization that since 1999 has...

Not Stealing Palestine but Purchasing Israel

http://www.danielpipes.org/9931/palestine-israel-stealing-purchasing Zionists stole Palestinian land: that's the mantra both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas teach their children and propagate in their media. This claim has vast importance, as Palestinian Media Watch explains: "Presenting the creation...

Israel and the European Union: A Change in Tone? INSS

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=5873 As expected, the government of Israel’s decision to issue a tender for construction of 1,000 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem elicited a response from Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative...

The Gaza Narrative: From Delegitimization to Antisemitism

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2078&sec=2 &title=The_Gaza_Narrative:_From_Delegitimization_to_Antisemitism Tucked away in a small building off the main street of Sderot, Israel, and just a few blocks from the Sderot Police Station and their infamous Rocket Museum, lies the home of the Sderot...

Op-ed: Anti-Israel BDS campaign hides its ultimate goal of eliminating the entire Jewish State

http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticle PrintPreview/1,2506,L-4189646,00.html The annual Israeli Apartheid Week, dubbed “anti-Semitic hatefest” by Canadian author Howard Rotberg, is approaching again. As every year the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS ) campaign will play a key part in this...