Egyptian Failure to Halt Arms Flow from Gaza

Despite Israeli appeals, Egypt has failed to halt the weapons tunnel infrastructure in the eastern Sinai Peninsula. Israeli officials said Egyptian security forces have bolstered troops along the border with Israel to prevent weapons smuggling....

Commentary: Calls for a New Intifada

With everything else, the calls by Arab leaders for a new intifada and the need for all Palestinians to unite against the "outrage" of what Israel is purportedly doing to Islamic holy places is...

“Moderate” Fatah: “Arms should be used to retrieve the occupied land and achieve freedom...

Fateh Revolutionary Council: National Unity Our Shield against Foreign Conspiracies The Fateh Revolutionary Council said Sunday that the national unity is the shield against those who conspire against the Palestinian people. During its meeting in...

Terror United

Last Monday's suicide terror attack in the southern Israeli resort city of Eilat, which resulted in the murder of three civilians in a bakery, should end the perception that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas...

Why not an EU-led trusteeship?

From the Israeli perspective, attempts to find a way out of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have been stymied by a conceptual contradiction never faced before. On the one hand, there is a broad consensus among the...

Will the US decision to arm the Palestinian Authority’s Military Capability Backfire on the...

The day after the armed forces of Palestinian Authority President Machmud Abbas shared credit for the bombing of a bakery in the Israeli port city of Elat which claimed the lives of three young...

Moving On in Sderot

Sima Abukasis looked on quietly as Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger and several Knesset members joined dozens of her Sderot neighbors and friends yesterday at a modest commemoration of the second anniversary of the death...

Hamas: We seized American weapons

Hamas today carried out an ambush in which it obtained an American weapons shipment transferred last night to militias in the Gaza Strip associated with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party, top Hamas...

Commentary: The Political Horizom

Yesterday the polls were released that Likud is way up in a recent poll and Kadima has pretty much fallen on its face. Today I am additionally encouraged. Netanyahu has addressed a meeting of...

Abbas condemns Eilat bombing [says bad PR and ineffective]

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has on Tuesday renewed his rejection and condemnation of the bombing operation in Eilat which he portrayed as unnecessary and useless for the Palestinian people. From Cairo, where he is meeting...