Why Does the Israeli Government Persist in Spreading The Word that “All is Well”

News reports today indicated that contrary to what was stated in an earlier government policy (designed to make the residents of Gush Katif move out of their homes complacently), those who did not move...

Israel Spawns Terror Base For The Enemy

As Israel pulled its troops out of the areas where 21 Jewish communities had thrived in the Katif district of Gaza and four more Jewish communities in Northern Samaria, the Israeli public was under...

Gaza sewage could cripple desalination facility

If the Palestinians go ahead with building a sewage pipe from the Gaza Strip to the sea, this could cripple the new desalination plant near Ashekelon. The plant, planned to desalinate 100 million cubic meters...

Prepare the Flack Jackets

I turn your attention to the statement Ariel Sharon made to Shimon Shiffer in the Rosh Hashanah edition of Yediot Ahronot: "I will take," he promised, "a giant step towards peace." A giant step? If...

Qassam Missiles in the Negev

The current Arab uprising in Gaza has unleashed a hail of Qassam rockets against Israel. These projectiles currently have a range of up to 10 kilometers,putting at risk approximately 600 kilometers of land bordering...

Judgment Day, Iranian Style

With the international community focused on Iran's quest to develop nuclear weapons, little attention has been paid to Tehran's preparations for a possible showdown with America and its allies. For more than a year,...

13 thoughts for war time: The Only quiet areas right now are Judea and...

Even the most extreme leftists are reconsidering: maybe it isn't about the occupation after all 1. I bought a flag for my car. Nothing special, small on a white plastic stand that sticks to the...

The Reaction of a Bereaved Parent of a Fallen Soldier to Olmert’s Plan for...

On Wednesday night, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told AP: "...I genuinely believe that the determination that Israel manifests and the power that we project and the outcome of these operations both in the south...

What is a War Crime?

So what exactly is our story with the bombs and civilians injuries? Are we the most evil element in the world, as the Evil and Stupidity Front claims, from Professor Noam Chomsky and Jose...

Hizbullah Rockets Approach Tel Aviv With Iranian Assistance

On August 3rd, the authoritative Middle East News Line confirmed that Iran acknowledged the supply of long-range missiles to Hizbullah. A senior Iranian official, Hujjat Mokhtashemi-Pour, said Hizbullah has obtained the Zelzal-2, which he...