Why Sharon’s Plan will NOT Come to Fruition

"What are you doing regarding planning for the day after?" That infuriating question regarding Sharon's Disengagement/Expulsion Plan is constantly being asked and repeated. There are those asking the question out of real concern for the...

Retreat from Gaza?

Since December 2003, Ariel Sharon has astonished friend and foe alike, embracing the very idea he opposed in the elections that confirmed him in power in January 2003. The idea is "unilateral disengagement," whereby Israel,...

Proposal for Palestinian Security Forces to Move Into Evacuated Homes

Settlements in northern Samaria that are to be evacuated would become camps for the Palestinian police, according to a proposal the IDF considered recently in light of the dilemma of what to do with...

Abbas Attacks Israeli ‘War Crimes’ and ‘Intentional Murder’ of 2 Youths as Deliberate Attempt...

JERUSALEM--May 5, 2005 The official Palestinian Authority (PA) media opened their reports Thursday with a slashing attack on Israel for "deliberately killing" two Palestinian youths yesterday as part of an intentional Israeli plan to bust...

Outgoing IDF Commander in Chief Ya’alon: After pullout, Israel will face another war of...

of a representative sample of 505 adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs) under the direction of Prof.Y.Katz for Israel Radio's "Another Matter" program the week of 25 May 2005.] Unless Israel commits to further withdrawals...

Palestinian Media Welcome Rice With Interview Calling Bush Leader of Anti-Islamic Crusade

The Palestinian Authority welcomed US Condoleeza Rice to the Middle East this weekend in many ways, one of them the airing of a long interview with the leader of the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas...

Sharon willing to forgo crucial peace treaty principles for disengagement

"Mazuz snubs Knessetby Ilan Marciano There is no need to first get Knesset approval to change the terms of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty of 1979 in order to allow for an Egyptian force to patrol...

Americans Say Never Again

Never Again to indifference. Never Again to silence. Never Again to deportation. Dear Friend of Israel: The Sharon Government plans to deport close to 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron later this summer. Jewish lives are...

Poll showing most Americans oppose pullout misleading

There is nothing more flexible, and more useful, than public opinion polls. More than showing the public's views, they reveal the mindset of those who commissioned the poll, and those who market it. For example, Finance...

The Cost of Sharon’s “Disengagement”

Date of Report: June 2, 2005. Fact: President Bush has turned down Prime Minister Sharon’s request for special financial assistance. Fact: Israel’s best friends in Congress - who possess the Power of the Purse - have...