Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and policy papers by Bedein, director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and founder of the Israel Resource News Agency. The author has covered the Palestinian...

Who stands to lose if the Israel High Court of Justice is not reformed?

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of vast majority those who demonstrate in Israel against judicial reforms of the High Court of Israel. At the same time, most people have no idea that...

March Madness

As explained by Wikipedia, “mad as a March hare” is a common British English phrase, both today and in Lewis Carroll’s time in the 1800s. This March seems no exception as far as Israel is...

Diplomacy between Saudi Arabia and Iran could isolate and constrain Israel

Suppose the Israeli defense establishment, the prime minister, and the inner security cabinet decide that Iran’s uranium enrichment at 84 percent, close to what’s needed for a nuclear weapon, and its progress in weaponizing...

A German Tourist in Israel describes an Arab terror attack against German tourists whom...

Now 14 is proud to present a value-based television that has repented of its flag to bring the true news without interests, the values ​​of Judaism, Zionism, Shabbat and the Land of Israel. The...

On World Water Day, boat undertakes maiden Dead Sea voyage

After a successful crowdfunding campaign, the Dead Sea Revival Project is launching eco-educational boat excursions in the Dead Sea, the lowest land point on Earth. The announcement was timed to coincide with World Water Day on March...

Israel’s judicial reform: strengthening democracy

A short explanation on how the judicial reforms in progress will address the anomalies of the Israeli system and bring Israel closer to the rest of the Western democracies

What’s Behind The Riots Over Judicial Reform In Israel?

To the outside observer, passions behind the riots which have swept the state of Israel may not be understood. After all, what is the big deal over cosmetic changes in the high court of...

Unanswered question to the US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides.

March 10, 2023   Dear Ambassador Nides,   You have been quoted that you are shocked by the Arab terror attack which occurred last night in Tel Aviv.   In accordance with PA law, the Palestinian Authority will award a salary for...

Bursting bubbles

There is a popular computer game called “bubble shooters” in which the aim is to burst as many bubbles as possible and amass points. A definition of bursting bubbles is “shattering illusions and delusions.” Michael Kuttner These...