EU Documents Repeat False NGO Claims and Increase Tension

Leaked documents on Arab-Israeli conflict promote misinformation from NGO grantees Background Since 2010, six documents from the offices of EU representatives in Israel and the Palestinian Authority - dealing with the central, complex, and sensitive issues...

The Levy Report: Reinvigorating the Discussion of Israel’s Rights in the West Bank EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria (the "Levy report") has drawn a flurry of overwrought criticism due to its inclusion of a section concerning the lawfulness...

WJC ANALYSIS – Is the war in Syria undermining the Palestinian claim to the... _ The fate of the Assad regime in Syria has been the main focus of media attention in recent months. Yet, another crisis has quietly developed on the sidelines of the Syrian calamity which...

Israel Sees 30-Day War With Iran Israel has assessed that it must prepare for a month-long war with Iran and its proxies. Israeli military and intelligence community have discussed a range of scenarios of war between Iran and the Jewish state....

Iran Isolated? Tell it to the UN The Obama administration is still asserting that diplomacy and sanctions will halt Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons without the need for either Israel or the United States to resort to force. At the core...

Scars of an Israeli survivor of the Hebron massacre Shlomo Slonim gazes at four large black and white photos of family members adorning the dining room wall of his apartment in Ra'anana, a city in central Israel. He battles with his health. He has...

Remember, remember the fifth of November Money in those post war years was not as plentiful as today and therefore “a penny for the guy” was seen and heard on every street corner as youngsters scrounged together enough pennies...

America, Israel, Gaza, the World As Israeli airstrikes and naval shells bombarded Gaza this weekend, the world asked the question that perennially frustrates, confuses and enrages so many people across the planet: Why aren’t the Americans hating on Israel...

International Recognition of a Unilaterally Declared Palestinian State: Legal and Policy Dilemmas Representatives of the PLO, and of the Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority established pursuant to the Interim Agreement, have repeatedly threatened to unilaterally declare an independent Palestinian state.1 Indeed, following the conclusion of the Camp...

Video: The Culture of Peace and Incitement in the PA Index – 2 December... For Video: As Power Point Video: The Culture of Peace and Incitement in the PA Index - 2 December 2012 Special Briefing on Incitement in the Palestinian Authority The Prime Minister's Office - Jerusalem 2 December 2012 Pursuant to...