A New Low? UN Report Suggests Israel Caused Gaza’s Rising Infant Death Rate, Doesn’t...

File this one under "UNRWA's Use of Dead Infants to Defend and Abet Terrorists." File this one under “UN Sleaze,” or perhaps under “UNRWA’s Use of Dead Infants to Defend and Abet Terrorists.” Though even...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

My Message to President Abbas: 5 Steps for Peace

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MtEsV9LCFo President Abbas, Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message. First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit...

The Biden Jerusalem Opportunity

The arrival of US President Biden in Jerusalem provides an unprecedented opportunity to tackle obstacles to peace that can be removed with the cooperation of the President of the United States. 1. Replace the Palestinian...

Israel and the US face elections on November 1 and November 8 respectively. Both...

1.The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  IDF under the direction of the US to fight Arab terrorists, now carry out daily attacks by PSF elite unit known as Al Aqsa Brigades. Yet US...

Hezbollah: ‘We Have Not Yet Published Our Final Position on Maritime Border Agreement’

Mohammad Raad, who heads Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc, says that the “resistance” (a reference to Hezbollah) stood to the right of the authorities in Lebanon during the indirect negotiations they conducted with the “Israeli enemy”...

Jews and the Land of Israel: Part X: Wording of the Balfour Declaration and...

*Editor’s Note: This is the tenth installment in the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD   Allen Z. Hertz, formerly senior advisor in the Privy Council Office serving Canada’s...

Ignorance is Bliss: Academizing Anti-Israel Trends

17.08.23 Editorial Note The Palestine Chronicle is an American non-profit organization with a mission to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom, and democracy...

Al Ahram on Israel Scene and Peace Process

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, Al-Ahram. A Watershed in Israel by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed David Levy's resignation should not be regarded as one other minister quitting Netanyahu's right-wing coalition, but...

Palestinian Policeman Served As Commander of the Gang of Death

The policeman, four other ringleaders and dozens of members of the terrorist cell have been arrested. The cell was responsible for the deaths of 21 Israelis and hundreds of wounded. They planned a series...

Mothers of Palestinian Prisoners Subjected to Humiliating Treatment by Palestinian Officials and Police

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) expresses its outrage at the behavior of a number of Palestinian officials and policemen towards mothers of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. The women were physically and...